Do not use air or oxygen as a means of pressurizing the machine. Some mixtures of
Click here for Figure 26 — 19XL Leak Test Procedures
Leak Test Machine
Due to regulations regarding refrigerant emissions and the difficulties associated with separating contaminants from refrigerant, Carrier recommends the following leak test procedures. See Figure 26 for an outline of the leak test procedures. Refer to Figure 27 and Figure 28 during pumpout procedures and Table 5A, Table 5B, Table 5C, and Table 5D for refrigerant pressure/temperature values.
1.If the pressure readings are normal for machine condition:
a.Evacuate the holding charge from the vessels, if present.
b.Raise the machine pressure, if necessary, by adding refrigerant until pressure is at equivalent saturated pressure for the surrounding temperature. Follow the pumpout procedures in the Transferring Refrigerant from Storage Tank to Machine section, Steps 1a - e.