Auto. Restart After Power Failure
This option may be enabl ed or di sabled, and may be viewed/ modified in the Config tab le of
Equipment Configuration. If enabled, the chiller will start up automatically after a single cycle
dropout, low, high, or loss of voltage has o ccurred, and the power is within ±10% of normal. Th e
15- and 3-minute inhibi t timers are ignored during this type of start-up.
When power is re stored after the power failure, an d if the compres sor had been runn ing, the
oil pump will be energized for one minute prior to the ev ap orator pump energizi ng. Auto restart
will then continue like a no rmal start-up.
If power to the PSIO modul e has be en off for more than 3 hours , t he P I C will raise the oil
temperature 100° F (56° C) above the evaporator te m per a ture. Refrigerant norm a lly migrates
into the oil when the oil heat er is left off for extended pe riods of time. The PIC opera tes the oil
pump for 1 to 2 minutes to ensure that the oil i s free of excess refri gerant. Once this algor ithm is
completed, the REST A RT of the chiller will continu e.
Water/Brine Reset
Three types of chilled water or brine reset are avail able and can be viewed or m odified on the
Equipment Configu ration table Co nfig selection.
The LID default screen status message indicates when the chilled water reset is active. The
Control Point temper at ure on the Status01 table indi cates the machine’s cu r r ent reset