Manual Operation of the Guide Vanes
Manual operation of the guide vanes is helpful to es ta blish a steady motor curre nt for
calibration of the motor amps value.
In order to manually opera te the guide vanes, it is ne cessary to override t he



value which is access ed on the Status01 table . Manual control is indicated by
the word ‘‘SUPVSR!’’ flashing after the target value position. Manual control is also indicated on
the default screen on the run status line.
1. Access the Status01 table and look at the target guide vane position (Figure 16). If the
compressor is off, the value will read zero.
2. Move the high light bar to the


line and press the
SELECT softkey.
3. Press ENTER to override the automatic target. The screen will now read a value of zero,
and the word ‘‘SUPVSR!’’ will flash.
4. Press the SELECT softkey, and0 then press RELEASE softkey to release the vanes to
AUTOMATIC mode. After a few seconds the ‘‘SUPVSR!’’ will disappear.
Dry Run to Test Start-Up Sequence
1. Disengage the main mot or di sconnect on the starte r front panel. This should only
disconnect the motor power. Power to the controls, oil pump, and starter control circuit
should still be energized.