Return R e f rigeran t to Norma l O perating Conditio ns
1. Be sure that the vessel th at was opened has been evacu at ed.
2. Access the Control Test Terminate Lockout table to view vessel pressures and turn on
machine water pumps.
3. Open valves 1a , 1b, and 3.
4. Crack open valve 5, grad ually increasing pressu re in the evacuated vessel t o 68 psig
(469 kPa), for HCFC- 22, 35 psig (141 kPa) for HFC-134a. Feed refrigerant slowly t o
prevent tube freeze up.
5. Leak test to ensure vess el integrity.
6. Open valve 5 fully.
7. Open valve 11 to equaliz e t he liquid refrigerant lev e l between vessels.
Valve 1a 1b 2 3 4 5 8 11 12 13 14
Condition C CCCCC C C
Valve 1a 1b 2 3 4 5 8 11 12 13 14
Condition CCCCCCC