System Ready (SYST RDY) — This
Trip Time Potentiometer — The Trip Time potentiometer has 50 selectable overload trip classes ranging from 1 to 50 seconds.
Reset Time Potentiometer — The Reset Time potentiometer has 5 to 120 minutes of motor cooling reset.
Full Load Amperes (FLA) — The FLA potentiometer is adjustable from 1 to 1,500 amps, based on overload frame size.
Trip LED — The Trip LED provides a visual indication that the EPR has detected an overload condition and tripped.
Fault (FLT) LED — The FLT LED is an indicator light.
Reset Button — The RESET button allows for the manual reset of the EPR.
Trip, Common (COM), and FLA Test Terminals — The Trip, COM, and FLA test terminals provide for Digital Voltmeter (DVM) calibration.
Terminal 1 (TB1) — Terminal 1 is the 120 vac connection to power the EPR.
Terminal 4 (TB4) — Terminal 4 is the normally closed, electronically isolated EPR contact for overload trip.
Note: When the System Ready (SYST RDY) LED is a steady green light, no fault has been found in the