Tunturi T50 owner manual C H N I C a L D ATA

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O W N E R ' S M A N U A L • T 5 0

We recommend that you use a protective base when transporting the equipment.

NOTE! Transport the treadmill with extreme caution over uneven surfaces, for example over a step. The treadmill should never be transported upstairs using the wheels over the steps, instead it must be carried.

NOTE! The running belt needs to be realigned and centered after moving.

To prevent malfunctioning of the treadmill, store it in a dry place with as little temperature variation as possible, protected against dust. Always unplug the treadmill from the electrical outlet when not in use.


Length (storage position)...

193 cm (106 cm) /


76” (41,7”)

Height (storage position) ..

142 cm (172 cm) /


55,9” (67,7”)


84 cm / 32,9”


109 kg / 250 lbs

Running surface

51 cm x 130,5 cm /


20” x 51”


1,0-16 km/h /


0,6-10 mph

Elevation range

0-10 %


2,5 hp

T50 treadmill meets the requirements of the EU's EMC Directives on electromagnetic compatibility (89/336/EEC) and electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits (73/23/EEC). This product therefore carries the CE label.

Due to our continuous policy of product development, Tunturi reserves the right to change specifications without notice.

CAUTION! The instructions must be followed carefully in the assembly, use and maintenance of your equipment. The warranty does not cover damage due to negligence of the assembly, adjustment and maintenance instructions described herein. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Tunturi Oy Ltd will void the user's authority to operate the equipment!

We wish you many enjoyable trainings with your new Tunturi training partner!


Image 10
Contents T50 Contents S E M B LY 10 %, 0,5 % increment T E RSee back fold 00-99.99 km, 0,01 km incrementAbout the Exercise Environment O O S I N G a N E X E R C I S E Exercise Profiles I N T E N a N C E V I N G a N D S T O R a G E C H N I C a L D ATA Inhalt N T a G E Abbildung am Ende dieser Betriebsanleitung Beginnen Sie mit der gewählten TrainingseinheitL G E M E I N E S Z U M A I N I N G Fortgeschrittene 60-70 % der maximalen Herzfrequenz Anfänger 50-60 % der maximalen HerzfrequenzWA H L D E R A I N I N G S E I N H E I T Das Manual-Training ist die Voreinstellung des Laufbandes T R I E B S a N L E I T U N G T 5 0 D WA R T U N G Nachspannen DER Laufmatte 84 cm A N S P O R T U N D F B E WA H R U N GC H N I S C H E D AT E N 109 kgConseils ET Avertissements Conservez CES Instructions S E M B L a G EM P T E U R S Voir la fin de ce mode d’emploiLaide de linterrupteur qui se trouve à côté de la prise Met en route lexercice choisiN É R a L I T É S S U R N T R a Î N E M E N TMaximum O I X D E L E N T R a I N E M E N T Profils Dentrainement T R E T I E N Réglez la vitesse à 5 km/h A N S P O R T E T R a N G E M E N T R a C T E R I S T I Q U E S C H N I Q U E SInhoud Horizontale Handrail Te drukken Zie de laatste paginaBegin met de door u gekozen training T N E S S T R a I N I N GOver HET Gebruik VAN DE Apparatuur A I N I N G S K E U Z E Door tijdens de training de Stop/Pause-toetsHartslagaangepaste Training D E R H O U D Reiniging VAN DE Looptrainer A N S P O R T E N O P S L a G 130,5 cm C H N I S C H E G E G E V E N S51 cm Le informazioni necessarie per un allenamento S E M B L a G G I OCorrimano Parti con lesercizio prescelto PA N N E L L OVedi sul retro del manuale Ángulo de inclinación, 0-10 %, con intervalli di 0,5 %Circa Luso Dellattrezzo E LTA D E L L E S E R C I Z I O Esercizio a Controllo Pulsazioni Cardiache Rolling Hills da te desiderato e premendo il tasto Start N U T E N Z I O N E O S TA M E N T O E D M a G a Z Z I N a G G I O AT I T E C N I C Información Y Precauciones N T a J E Ver la solapa posterior N T a D O REl ejercicio elegido se pone en marcha Comienzo DE Sesión L E C C I Ó N D E L E J E R C I C I O EL Ejercicio DE Pulso N T E N I M I E N T O Error 11 Defectos en la transferencia de información A S L a D O Y a L M a C E N a J E AT O S T É C N I C O SInnehåll N T E R I N GSe på insidan av omslaget T a R EStarta träningen Uppskattad energiförbrukning 0-999 kcal i steg om 1 kcal Lutningsvinkeln 0-10 % i steg om 0,5 %L M Ä N T O M T R Ä N I N G Börja Träningspass VA L AV T R Ä N I N G Tryck på Start träningen börjar och mattan går igångTräningsprofiler R V I C E A N S P O R T O C H R VA R I N G OBS! Efter förflyttning måste bandet vid behov centrerasK N I S K a D ATA Sisältö E N N U SMittarikuva on takaosan kääntölehdellä T T a RKäynnistää valitun harjoitteen Laitetta saa käyttää vain sisätiloissa E I S T Ä H a R J O I T T E L U S TAIrrota verkkopistoke jokaisen käyttökerran jälkeen Kannusta Itseäsi Jatkamaan R J O I T U K S E N VA L I N TA Manual-harjoitus on juoksumaton oletusasetuksenaO L T O Huoltovoitelu Ota lattian suojaus huomioon myös laitetta siirtäessäsi L J E T U S J a S Ä I LY T Y SK N I S E T T I E D O T Y T T Ö O H J E T 5 T50 Page N E R S M a N U a L T 5 O F I L E S Page Page 5834017 C