Test Results
After the test you will see the heights of all three of your jumps.
The continuous jump test measures your anaerobic power. This test is especially useful for those who do sports that require anaerobic power, in other words maximal effort for short periods.The aim of the continuous jump test is to perform the highest number of jumps with maximum height in the set time period.
The continuous jump test is performed by squatting down until the knees are bent in a 90 degree angle, and then rapidly jumping vertically as high as possible, and landing with both feet at the same time, bending the knees, and repeating the vertical jumping movement until the set time period is over. The test should be started with maximal effort, jumping as high as possible as rapidly as possible. As the test proceeds you will naturally become fatigued but keep maximal effort throughout the test. In the Flow web service you can analyze your test jump by jump, and see how your jump height decreased during the test.
Performing the Continuous Jump
Before performing the continuous jump test, set the duration of test. Choose Jump test > Set duration of cont. test The duration can be set to 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds or Set other duration. If you choose Set other duration, you can set the duration anywhere from 5 seconds to 300 seconds.
Wear the Polar Bluetooth® Smart Stride Sensor, and choose Jump test > Continuous, and press START. Searching for stride sensor is displayed. Continuous jumps Start now! is shown when you can start the test.
1.Stand upright with your hands on your hips.
2.Squat until your knees are in a 90 degree leg bend position, and immediately jump vertically.
3.Land with both feet with your legs straight and ankles extended.
4.Repeat the jump movement continuously until the test is over (you will be notified with audio and vibra- tion when the test is over).
During the test you will see the number of jumps performed, and the time remaining .