Elite Real AXIOM manual Introduction, Software Instructions, Heart Rate Monitor, Slope

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Congratulations on your purchase of the Elite RealAxiom cycling simulator.

Elite RealAxiom is an electronic device for indoor training and tests; it interfaces with a PC (Windows) by means of a console fitted to the handlebar of your bike.

Elite RealAxiom allows you to view real-life courses while training which will run at the same speed you are running on your trainer offering a highly realistic on-road simulation. Elite RealAxiom allows you to programme any kind of route. The software automatically adjusts resistance depending on gradient, speed and weight and indicates heart rate, power, speed, height, pedalling frequency, distance, time and other important information.

Elite RealAxiom allows you to save all racing and test results for future analysis and print the relative reports.

Please read this manual with care in order to become perfectly familiar with the product and how it works.


This manual does not give any instructions regarding use of the programme. A complete guide to using the programme is given in the programme Help.

To access the Help guide it is necessary to install the programme. The instructions for installing the programme are given in the section “Use of RealAxiom with the computer – Programme installation”.

After installing the programme, the Help guide can be accessed in two different ways:

press button F1 on the keyboard;

select “Help – Help Contents” from the programme menu.


Elite RealAxiom incorporates a receiver for chest-band heart rate monitors. This allows it to measure your heart rate while training and

visualise it on the monitor. The heart rate monitor is not supplied with the product.

Elite RealAxiom’s heart rate monitor receiver is compatible with all “standard” transmitters, i.e., those featuring 5 KHz transmission frequencies. Some coded transmitters (i.e. Polar) may not be compatible with our receiver.

WARNING: integrated wireless systems that measure cadence and speed, in addition to heart rate, may interfere with the heart rate readings of RealAxiom. In order to avoid this, remove the sensor form the crank.


The maximum simulatable slope on the RealAxiom is a function of speed and the weight of the individual rider. In fact, the power required to pedal up a slope is function of the speed (faster

=more power) and of the weight (the heavier the rider, the more power is required to climb any given slope). Each rider has a maximum slope given his weight [i.e., for a 60kg (130lbs) cyclist at 24Km/h (15mph) the maximum simulatable slope is about 10%.]

So, if the rider is already riding at his maximum power, and the slope increases, the actual the resistance won’t increase, even though the steeper slope is indicated on the screen.


No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted without the written authorization of Elite S.r.l.

The Elite RealAxiom software and relative code are property of Elite S.r.l.

International copyright law protects the software. The Elite RealAxiom software must be treated like any other copyrighted material, such as books.

Users undertake not to modify or adapt the programme. Users also undertake not to decompile, disassemble or attempt in any way to discover the native software code.


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Contents Page Using Realaxiom Without Computer Using Realaxiom with Computer Assembling InstructionsIntroduzione Istruzioni DI AssemblaggioAssemblage DU Support IntroducciónUSO DEL Realaxiom SIN Ordenador InleidingIntroduzione Istruzioni DEL SoftwareCardiofrequenzimetro PendenzaImportante Requisiti minimi del sistemaNome E Lista DEI Componenti Schema Generale Semplificato Istruzioni DI AssemblaggioAssemblaggio Cavalletto Montaggio UnitàMontaggio Bici SUL Cavalletto Montaggio Console SUL Manubrio Montaggio Sensore DI CadenzaUtilizzo DEL Realaxiom Senza Computer Connessione CaviInstallazione DEL Programma DEL Realaxiom Installazione Delle VideocorseUtilizzo DEL Realaxiom CON IL Computer Informazioni Sullo Smaltimento DEL ProdottoIntroduction Software InstructionsHeart Rate Monitor SlopeImportant Points Minimum System RequirementsParts List FeetSemplified General Diagram Assembling InstructionsAssembling the Stand Assembling the UnitMounting the Bike on the Stand Assembly of the Console To the Handlebar Assembly of the Cadence SensorUsing Realaxiom Without Computer Computer Before InstallingRealaxiom Software Using Realaxiom with Computer Installing the Realaxiom ProgrammeInstalling the Realaxiom Video Course Information on the Disposal of the ProductAllgemeine Informationen SOFTWARE-ANLEITUNGHerzfrequenzmesser SteigungWichtiger Hinweis HinweisMindestausstattung PC Bezeichnung UND Verzeichnis DER Komponenten NetzgerätAllgemeines Vereinfachtes Schema MontageanleitungZusammenbau VOM Ständer Montage DER WiderstandseinheitMontage VOM Fahrrad AUF DEM Ständer Montage VOM Trittfrequenzsensor Montage DER Konsole AM LenkerGebrauch VOM Realaxiom Ohne Computer Anschliessen DER KabelInstallation DER REALAXIOM-SOFTWARE Installierung DER VIDEO-RENNENGebrauch VOM Realaxiom MIT Computer Hinweise ZUR Entsorgung DES ProduktsMode D’EMPLOI DU Logiciel CARDIO-FREQUENCEMETREPente Remarques Conditions minimums requises du systemeNOM ET Liste DES Pieces Schema General Simplifie Instructions Pour L’ASSEMBLAGEAssemblage DU Support Montage DE L’UNITÉMontage DU Velo SUR LE Support Montage DE LA Console SUR LE Guidon Montage DU Capteur DE CadenceUtilisation DE Realaxiom Sans Ordinateur Branchement DES FilsInstallation DU Logiciel DE Realaxiom Installation DES Video CoursesUtilisation DE Realaxiom Avec Ordinateur Informations SUR L’ELIMINATION DU ProduitIntroducción Instrucciones DEL SoftwareFrecuencia Cardiaca PendienteNotas Requisitos mínimos del sistemaNombre Y Relación DE LOS Componentes Cable CONSOLA-UNIDAD DE Resistencia 8 PolosInstrucciones DE Ensamblaje Esquema General SimplificadoEnsamblaje Caballete Montaje UnidadMontaje Bici Sobre EL Caballete Montaje Detector DE Cadencia Montaje Consola EN EL ManillarUSO DEL Realaxiom SIN Ordenador Conexión CablesOrdenador SIN Haber Instalado Antes EL USO DEL Realaxiom CON EL Ordenador Instalación DEL Programa DEL RealaxiomInstalación DE LOS VIDEO-CARRERAS EN LA Unión EuropeaInleiding Aanwijzingen M.B.T DE SoftwareHartslagmeter HellingBelangrijk AandachtspuntenOnderdelenlijst Kabel Tussen Console EN WeerstandsunitVereenvoudigd Algemeen Diagram MontagevoorschriftenHET Frame Assembleren DE Unit AssemblerenDE Fiets in HET Frame Plaatsen DE Kadanssensor Monteren DE Console OP HET Stuur PlaatsenDE Realaxiom Gebruiken Zonder Computer KabelverbindingenHET Realaxiom Programma Installeren DE Realaxiom Videorit InstallerenDE Realaxiom Gebruiken MET Computer Informatie Over DE Vernietiging VAN HET ProductGaranzia Garantia Page