Kenmore 110.4647, 110.4646 manual Clear water lines, Remove drain hose from the washer, Floor drain

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Clear water lines

Run water through both faucets and inlet hoses, into a laundry tub, drainpipe or bucket, to get rid of particles in the water lines that might clog the inlet valve screens.

Check the temperature of the water to make sure that the hot water hose is connected to the hot water faucet and that the cold water hose is connected to the cold water faucet.

Proper routing of the drain hose protects your floors from damage due to water leakage. Read and follow these instructions.

Remove drain hose from the washer

Gently pull the corrugated drain hose from the shipping clips.

Connect the inlet hoses to the washer

Laundry tub drain or standpipe drain

Connect the drain hose form to the corrugated drain hose.


H. Hot water inlet

C. Cold water inlet

1.Attach the hot water hose to the washer's hot (H) water inlet

valve. Screw on coupling by hand until it is seated on the washer.

2.Attach the cold water hose to the washer's cold (C) water faucet. Screw on coupling by hand until it is seated on the washer.

3.Using pliers, tighten the couplings with an additional two-thirds turn.

NOTE: Do not overtighten. Damage to the coupling can result.

4= Turn on the water faucets completely and check for leaks.

NOTE: Replace inlet hoses after 5 years of use to reduce the

risk of hose failure. Record hose installation or replacement dates on the hoses for future reference.

Periodically inspect and replace hoses if bulges, kinks, cuts, wear, or leaks are found.


A. Snap either end of the drain hose form to the drain hose at the point where the corrugation begins.

B. Bend drain hose over drain hose form and snap into place.

To keep drain water from going back into the washer:

Do not straighten the drain hose, and do not force excess drain hose into standpipe. Hose should be secure, but loose enough to provide a gap for air.

Do not lay excess hose on the bottom of the laundry tub.

Floor drain

You may need additional parts. See Floor drain under "Tools and Parts."


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Contents 8540265 Table of Contents Protection AgreementsKenmore Washer Warranty Pedestal Option WarrantyWasher Safety ExplosiveAlternate Parts Tools needed for connecting the water inlet hosesParts supplied PedestalRecessed area or closet installation Washer DimensionsInstallation clearances Recessed or closet installation Washer on pedestal Laundry tub drain system view a Recommended installation spacing for cabinet installation Standpipe drain system wall or floor views a & B Floor drain system view BGrounding mNSTRUCTIONS Installation Instructions Connect the inlet hoses to the water faucetsTo keep drain water from going back into the washer Clear water linesRemove drain hose from the washer Floor drainUse only HE High Efficiency detergent Features and Benefits Washer USE For All Wash Cycles To load washerTo fill dispenser compartments To begin the wash cycle laterChoosing the Right Detergent Main Wash detergent compartmentTo stop a cycle and select a new cycle To cancel a cycleClothes Clean To change Options or Modifiers after the cycle has startedRinse & Spin HOT Load Type Available OptionsLaundry Tips Grass Cleaning the door seal/bellowOr Color-Save Bleach Wash Cycle DeodorantsCleaning the exterior Washer Maintenance ProcedureBegin procedure Cleaning the dispenser drawerError codes TroubleshootingReinstalling the washer To use washer againWasher odor Washer wont run, fill, rinse or tumble washer stops Is the power cord plugged into a grounded 3 prong outlet?Are you using an extension cord? Are both the hot and cold water faucets turned on?Did you use HE detergent? Are you using a low speed wash cycle?Are you washing a single item or bulky load? Did you sort properly?Page Proteccion Kenmore DE PedestalSu seguridad y la seguridad de los demas es muy importante Seguridad DE LA LavadoraEL GAS Hidrogeno Requisitos DE Instalacion Espacios libres para la instalacibn Dimensiones de la lavadoraUsted necesitara Instalaci6n en zona empotrada o en un clbsettSistema de por el lavadero vista a Espacio recomendado para la instalacibn en un armarioSistema de desagie por el piso vista B Instrucciones Para LA Conexion Atierra PeHgro de Choque EmectricoPemigre de Peso E×cesivo Conecte las mangueras de entrada a los grifos de aguaRetire la manguera de desagLie de la lavadora Despeje las lineas de aguaConecte las mangueras de entrada a la lavadora DesagLie de la tina de lavadero o desagLie de tubo verticalNotas Cargas mas voluminosas Controles electrbnicosNivel automatico del agua Sistema de suspensibnPeiigro de Incendio USO DE LA LavadoraPrimer ciclo de lavado sin ropa = Para el inicio diferido del ciclo de lavado Para todos los ciclos de lavado= Para comenzar el ciclo de lavado de inmediato Seleccibn del detergente adecuadoCompartimiento del blanqueador con cloro Compartimiento del detergente para el lavado principalPara detener un ciclo y seleccionar uno nuevo Para agregar articulos Para escurrir la lavadora manualmenteAgregado de articulos Ropa limpiaIntenso Heavy Duty Tibia Segundo Enjuague 2nd RinseTemperatura de Lavado/Enjuague FriaCiclo Tipo DE Carga Sugerida Opciones Disponibles Express Wash Liquido con cloro o De lavado No decolorante Sugerido No decolorante TintaAceite de motor sucio Sugerido PastoProcedimiento para el mantenimiento de la lavadora Limpieza del sello/fuelle de la puertaImportante Comience el procedimientoPara volver a usar la lavadora Limpieza externaLimpieza de la gaveta de depbsito Para Transportar la LavadoraLa lavadora produce un gorgoteo o zumbido? Cbdigos de errorEsta la lavadora haciendo un ruido diferente? De la maquina?Esta el cable Elctrico Enchufado Se esta usando un detergente de alto rendimiento HE?Esta obstruido el lavadero o el desagiJe? Un cable Elctrico de extensi6n?Se hart quitado los pernos de transporte? Cambios en el tiempo del ciclo/Ciclo demasiado prolongadoSe ha cerrado bien la puerta de la lavadora? Esta balanceada la carga?Ha separado la ropa adecuadamente? Ha lavado una carga grande en un ciclo suave o delicado?Ha usado detergente HE? Ha usado suficiente detergente de alto rendimiento HE?Page Table DES MATI#RES Contrats DE ProtectionGarantie DE LA Laveuse Kenmore Garantie DU PII!DESTAL FacultatifSI Curiti DE LA Laveuse AvertissementSi vous avez Vous devrez acheter Outils ncessaires IinstallationOutils ncessaires au raccerdement des tuyaux darrive deau PidestalII vous faudra Dimensions de la laveuseDgagements de sparation a respecter Espacement recommand pour rinstallation de la caisse Instructons DE Liaison , LA TEliRE Instructions Dinstallation Connecter les tuyaux dalimentation aux robinets deauPour empcher Ieau de vidange de refluer dans la laveuse Dcharge de Ieau de lavage dans un vier de buanderie ouRetirer le tuyau de vidange de la laveuse Igout au plancherIi!ii!ili%i ¸b%il¸iii,e% iS%ii!i!ii!ii!ii,!!!i!%iii% CARACTI!RISTIQUES Avantages Utilisation DE LA Laveuse Premier programme de lavage sans linge & laverChoix du dtergent appropri Pour tous les programmes de lavagePour commencer le programme de lavage immediatement Pour remplir les compartiments du distributeurCompartiment de Iagent de blanchiment Compartiment pour assouplissant de tissuCompartiment pour dtergent du lavage principal Pour arrter un programme et en slectionner un autreClothes Clean linge propre Rglages de programme prtablis Programme Dure Temperature VitesseHeavy Duty service intense De lavage2nd Rinse 2nd rin£age Signal de programmeTemp6rature de lavage/rin£age Programme Type Options DisponiblesConseils DE Lessivage Pour les Couleurs Tache Utiliser Un agent deBlanchiment au chlore Programme Liquide Ou sans Lavage ChocolatEntretien DE LA Laveuse Procedure dentretien de la laveuseDbut de la procedure Nettoyage du joint/soufflet de la porteNettoyage du tiroir distributeur Rinstallation de la laveuseNettoyage de Iextrieur Remise en marche de la laveuse Preparation de la laveuse pour IhiverDepannage Alvoles reliee a la terre? Un dtergent HE est-ilutilis?Le distributeur dassouplissant de tissu est-il obstrue? Utilisez-vousExcs de mousse? Les vis de calage ont-elles te retirees?Pas assez deau/pas assez de mousse Faible niveau deau? La charge a-t-elle cause un desquilibre?HE? Page Oa,,an t,dae oro,ohton