To use the UDK in own projects, the following is required:
•Installed drivers
•Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or 2008; 2010 is experimental
•CMake 2.6 or higher ⇒ http://www.cmake.org
•wxWidgets 2.8.10 or higher (must be build separately) ⇒ http://www.wxwidgets.org [optionally, only if UDKLab should be build]
Driver installation
The driver installation is part of the UDK installation but can run standalone on final customer machines without the need to install the UDK itself. During installation, a choice of drivers to install can be made, so it is not necessary to install i.e. PCI drivers on machines that should run USB devices only or vice versa. If USB drivers get installed on a machine that has a
Note: There are separate installers for 32 and 64 bit systems.
Important: At least one device should be present when installing the drivers !
Build UDK
The most components of the UDK are part of one large CMake project. There are some options that need to be fixed in msvc.cmake inside the UDK installation root:
•BUILD_UI_TOOLS If 0, UDKLab will not be part of the subsequent build procedure, if 1 it will. This requires an installation of an already built wxWidgets.
•WX_WIDGETS_BASE_PATH Path to wxWidgets build root, only needed if BUILD_UI_TOOLS is not 0.
•USE_STATIC_RTL If 0, all projects are build against the dynamic runtime libraries. This requires the installation of the appropriate Visual Studio redistributable pack on every machine the UDK is used on. Using a static build does not create such dependencies, but will conflict with the standard wxWidgets build configuration.
Solution creation and build
The preferred way is to open a command prompt inside the installation root of the UDK,
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User Doc V0.3 | preliminary |