Finish working with the given device.
API | Code |
C++ | unsigned int ceDevice::ReadRegister(unsiged int uiRegister) |
CCE_RESULT ReadRegister(CE_DEVICE_HANDLE Handle, unsigned int uiRegister, unsigned int *puiValue)
.NET | uint ceDevice.ReadRegister(uint uiRegister) |
Read 32 bit value from FPGA design address space (internally just calling ReadBlock() with size = 4).
API | Code |
C++ | void ceDevice::WriteRegister(unsiged int uiRegister, unsigned int uiValue) |
CCE_RESULT WriteRegister(CE_DEVICE_HANDLE Handle, unsigned int uiRegister, unsigned int uiValue)
.NET | void ceDevice.WriteRegister(uint uiRegister, uint uiValue) |
Write 32 bit value to FPGA design address space (internally just calling WriteBlock() with size = 4).
API | Code |
C++ | void ceDevice::ReadBlock(unsiged int uiAddress, unsigned char *pucData, unsigned int |
| uiSize, bool bIncAddress) |
CCE_RESULT ReadBlock(CE_DEVICE_HANDLE Handle, unsigned int uiAddress, unsigned char *pucData, unsigned int uiSize, unsigned int uiIncAddress)
.NET | void ceDevice.ReadBlock(uint uiAddess, byte[] Data, uint uiLen, bool bIncAddress) |
Read a block of data to the host buffer which must be large enough to hold it. The size should never exceed the value retrieved by GetMaxTransferSize() for the specific device. bIncAddress is at the moment available for USB devices only. It flags to read all data from the same address instead of starting at it.
API | Code |
C++ | void ceDevice::WriteBlock(unsiged int uiAddress, unsigned char *pucData, unsigned int |
| uiSize, bool bIncAddress) |
CCE_RESULT WriteBlock(CE_DEVICE_HANDLE Handle, unsigned int uiAddress,
USBS6 / |
| http://www.cesys.com/ |
User Doc V0.3 | preliminary |