Sequencer P5: Track Edit
The Sequencer P5: Track Edit page menu commands “Event Edit” (☞PG p.69) and “Erase Measure” (☞PG p.70) now allow you to view and edit exclusive events.
If you want to edit only exclusive events in “Event Edit,” open the “Set Event Filters” dialog box and check the Exclu- sive box. To erase exclusive events, in the “Erase Measure” dialog box, set “Kind” to Exclusive.
Changes to the page menu commands
5–1B: Event Edit
Tracks containing exclusive events are now supported. If you check Exclusive in the “Set Event Filters” dialog box, the display will be as shown below.
Event indication
In the same way as for other types of event, you can change the location (“BT”) of an exclusive event, delete it (Cut but- ton), copy it (Copy button), or insert it (Insert button). (☞PG p.69 “Event Edit”)
If you want to delete all exclusive events in a measure, choose the page menu command “Erase Measure” and in the dialog box, set “Kind” to Exclusive, and execute the command.
You cannot change an exclusive event to a different type of event such as a note event or control change. Nor can you change another type of event into an exclusive event.
5–1F: Erase Measure
The page menu command “Erase Measure” now allows you to erase exclusive events in the specified measures.
In the dialog box, set “Kind” to Exclusive if you want to erase only exclusive events. If you select All, all events including exclusive events will be erased.
Add the above content to the “Parameter Guide” Sequencer P5: Track Edit page menu commands “Event Edit” (☞PG p.69) and “Erase Measure” (☞PG p.70).
Sequencer P6: Pattern/RPPR
The Sequencer P6: Pattern Edit page menu command “Event Edit” (☞PG p.77) now supports patterns that include exclusive events.
If you want to edit only exclusive events, check the Exclu- sive box in the “Set Event Filters” dialog box of “Event Edit.“When using other commands as well, exclusive events in a pattern can be edited in the same way as other types of events.
Changes to the page menu commands
When executing a command on a pattern that contains exclusive events, and you check Exclusive in the “Set Event Filters” dialog box, the following type of display will appear.
Event indication
You cannot change an exclusive event to a different type of event such as a note event or control change. Nor can you change another type of event into an exclusive event.
Add the above content to the “Parameter Guide” Sequencer P6: Pattern/RPPR page menu command “Event Edit” (☞PG p.77).