How do you take a correct measurement of the blood pressure ?
The blood pressure changes constantly. Various conditions are affe- cting the changes in the blood pressure. Therefore it is extremely important that the measurements are taken at the same time, several days and it is also important that the measurements are saved so you can control the development.
Are there any symptoms related to high blood pressure ?
If your blood pressure is too high, there are no visible symptoms, but examples of symptoms are: headache, problems breathing, dizzi- ness, sleeplessness etc.
Which conditions are affecting the blood pressure ?
-Physical condition
-Working environment
Can you avoid / prevent high blood pressure ?
If you have high blod pressure, you should be aware of the food you eat: eat less fat and less salt. You should also be aware of your wor- king conditions: avoid stress. Furthermore exercise and plenty of rest are also helpful to prevent high blood pressure.
-Do not use the blood pressure monitor, before consulting your doctor.
-Keep the unit out of locations with high temeperatures or high humidity and keep it out of direct sunlight.
-Do not immerse the appliance in water or any other liquids.
-Store the unit out of childrens reach.
-Do not push the Start/Stop button before the unit is securely pla- ced on your wrist.
-To obtain the best results make sure that the person doing the measurements is relaxed and calm.
-One hour after eating a meal is a perfect time to measure the blo- od pressure, since you are very relaxed at that time.
-After smoking or drinking alcohol the blood pressure will increa- se.
-After exercising or after taking a bath it is recommended that you wait 20 minutes before measurering the blood pressure.
-Low temperatures will make the blood pressure rise, a room tem- eprature of approx. 20° is perfect for measurering the blood presure.
-If you wish to do a measurement after a meal, do the measure- ment before drinking alcohol or smoking.
-People with high blood pressure, diabetics, people with kidney problems etc. will properly find a large difference in the blood pressure taken on the upper arm (which is the case when you have it done at the doctor) and when the blood pressure is mea- sured on the wrist. If there is any doubt, please contact your doctor.