Braun 7180 manual How to guide the appliance, Leg epilation, Cleaning the epilation head

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The «smartlight» comes on instantly and shines as long as the appliance is switched on. It reproduces an almost daylight condition, thus revealing even the finest hair and giving you a better control for improved epilation efficiency.

2How to guide the appliance

Always stretch your skin when epilating.

Always make sure that the epilation area between the massaging rollers is in contact with your skin.

The pivoting caps automatically adapt to the contour of your skin.

Guide the appliance in a slow, continu- ous movement without pressure against the hair growth, in the direction of the switch. As hair can grow in different directions, it may also be helpful to guide the appliance in different direc- tions to achieve optimum results. The pulsating movement of the massaging rollers stimulate and relax the skin for a gentler epilation.

If you are used to the sensation of epilation and prefer a faster way of removing hair, attach the Efficiency cap (1b) replacing the massage system (1a).

3Leg epilation

Epilate your legs from the lower leg in an upward direction. When epilating behind the knee, keep the leg stretched out straight.

4Underarm and bikini line epilation Please be aware that especially at the beginning, these areas are particularly sensitive to pain. With repeated usage the pain sensation will diminish. For more

comfort, ensure that the hair is at the optimum length of 2-5 mm.

Before epilating, thoroughly clean the respective area to remove residues (like deodorant). Then carefully dab dry with a towel. When epilating the underarm, keep your arm raised up so that the skin is stretched and guide the appliance in different directions. As skin may be more sensitive directly after epilation, avoid using irritating substances such as deo- dorants with alcohol.

Cleaning the epilation head

Before cleaning, unplug the appliance. Regular cleaning ensures better performance.

Brush cleaning:

5Remove the cap and brush it out.

6Thoroughly clean the tweezers from the rear side of the epilator head with the brush dipped into alcohol. While doing so, turn the tweezer element manually. This cleaning method ensures best hygienic conditions for the epilation head.

Cleaning under running water:

7Remove the cap. Hold the appliance with the epilation head under running water. Then press the release button (5) to remove the epilation head (2). Thoroughly shake both, the epilation head and the appliance to make sure that remaining water can drip out. Leave both parts to dry. Before reattaching, make sure that they are completely dry.

For electric specifications, please see printing on the special cord set. The special cord set automatically adapts to any worldwide AC voltage.


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Contents Silk épil Xpressive Braun GmbH Frankfurter Straße Kronberg/Germany PolskiMagyar Slovenski InternetRelease Smartli g Informationen zur Epilation DeutschAchtung ReinigenEffizienz-Aufsatz GerätebeschreibungEinige praktische Tipps Relax-SystemSo epilieren Sie Garantie Reinigen mit WasserGeneral information on epilation EnglishPreparing for use How to epilateDescription Some useful tipsLeg epilation How to guide the applianceCleaning the epilation head For UK only GuaranteePropos de l’épilation FrançaisPour changer de tête, appuyez sur le bouton d’éjection Grains de beautéQuelques petits trucs utiles Préparation à l’épilationEpilation des jambes Comment s’épilerMise en marche Comment manier l’appareilClause spéciale pour la France Importante EspañolPreparación para el uso DescripciónConsejos útiles Depilación de las piernas Cómo depilarsePuesta en marcha Cómo manejar la depiladoraSolo para España Limpieza con cepillo Retire la cubierta 1 y cepíllelaGarantía Informazioni generali sull’epilazione ItalianoPreparate all’uso DescrizioneConsigli utili Come epilare Garanzia Gebruik het epileerhoofd 2 nooit zonder opzetstuk NederlandsBelangrijk Uw huid moet droog zijn en vrij van vetten en crêmes BeschrijvingHandige tips VoorbereidingEpileren Garantie Vigtigt DanskKlargøring til brug BeskrivelseSådan epilerer du Nyttige tipsRengøring af epilatorhovedet Sådan bruges apparatetEpilering af benene Epilering under armene og langs bikinilinjenGaranti Generell informasjon om epilering NorskViktig Slå på apparatet Slik epilerer duForberedelser før bruk Rengjøring av epileringshodet Slik beveger du apparatetEpilering av leggene Garanti Generell information om epilering SvenskaViktigt Innan användning BeskrivningAtt epilera En del nyttiga tipsRengöring av epileringshuvudet Använd apparatenEpilering av ben Epilering under armarna och längs bikinilinjenGaranti Tärkeää SuomiEnnen käyttöä Laitteen osatEpilointi Hyödyllisiä vinkkejäEpilointipään puhdistus Laitteen ohjaaminenSäärien epilointi Takuu Σημαντικό ∂ÏÏËÓÈοΜερικές χρήσιμες συμβουλές Πώς να κάνετε αποτρίχωση ΠεριγραφήΥπόκειται σε τροποποίηση χωρίς προειδοποίηση ∂ÁÁ‡ËÛË Źródła zasilania przed myciem którejkol- wiek z głowic PolskiWażne Urządzenie jest dostosowane doPrzygotowanie do użycia OpisWskazówki Depilacja Warunki gwarancji Page Všeobecné informace o epilaci UpozorněníNež začnete PopisJak epilovat Několik užitečných tipůČištění epilační hlavy Jak zacházet s přístrojemEpilace nohou Záruka Změny jsou vyhrazenyDôležité upozornenia Slovensk˘Príprava Pri hemofílii, kandidóze alebo nedostatoč- nej imuniteUžitočné rady Depilácia nôh Ako depilovaťSpustenie depilátora Ako zaobchádzať s prístrojomPrávo na zmeny vyhradené Higiéniai okokból, ne ossza meg készülékét másokkal MagyarFigyelem Előkészületek az epiláláshoz TermékleírásKandida vagy immunrendszer elégtelenség Néhány hasznos tanácsHogyan epiláljunk Garancia Változtatás joga fenntartvaPomembno SlovenskiZa zamenjavo nastavka pritisnite njegovi Nekaj uporabnih nasvetovPriprava za uporabo Postopek epilacije Garancija