Profoon Telecommunicatie TX-230 Installation Power Supply, Telephonecord & Handsetcord, Pabx

Page 24



Open the battery compartment (bottomside) and install 4 pcs 1.5V AAA batteries. Mind the polarity.

Attention: always disconnect the telephone form the telephone out- let when batteries are to be installed or replaced.


1.connect the supplied handsetcord between the handset and base

2.connect the telephonecord to the bottomside of the telephone; push the connectors till you hear a click

3.plug the telephone plug into your telephone outlet


In case the TX-230 will be connected to a PABX, check if the PABX is suitable for Caller-ID. If not, the TX-230 has to be connec- ted directly to the public telephone network.


1.drill two holes in the wall with a distance of 9 cm and insert two screws. Let the heads of the screws stick out a few millimeters of the wall the wall mount plate to the bottomside of the base-part

3.remove the handsetholder, rotate it 180° and replace it. This holder will hold the handset when wall mounted

4.hang the unit on the wall and fixate the telephone wire by means of cable-clips

Once the power adaptor is plugged into a 230V mains outlet or the batteries have been installed, the telephone is ready for use.


Make sure that during the programming, the telephone must be connected to your telephoneline.


The several messages can come on the display with different lan- guages. Follow these instructions to select the required language:

1.leave the handset on the cradle and hold the button and hold the button , the display shows "NEDERLAND" (or another language), now release the buttons

5.use buttons and to select another language to store the selected language


Image 24
Contents Gebruiksaanwijzing Mode D’EMPLOI Page Verklaring VAN Netwerkcompatibiliteit Verklaring VAN ConformiteitIntroductie Installatie Batterijen HoornTelefoon HUIS- of KantoorcentraleInstellen Display TaalTijd ContrastGebruik Opgebeld Worden UitbellenLaatste Nummer Geheugen PauzeGesprekstimer TeledienstenRuggespraak Voice MailGeheugens ProgrammerenUitkiezen Corrigeren / Wijzigen NaamVerwijderen NAAM/NUMMER Combinatie Nummerweergave AlgemeenNaam Nieuwe OproepDezelfde Beller TIJD/DATUMNummer Uitkiezen Selectief Nummer WissenAlle Nummers Wissen Tips & Opmerkingen VoedingKlok NAAM/NUMMER CombinatieOnderhoud Déclara Tion DE Conformité IntroductionInstallation Piles CombinéTéléphone Central Domestique OU DE BureauLA Mise AU Point Language Affichage’HEURE ContrasteUtilisation Recevoir DES Appels Emettre DES AppelsMémoire DU Dernier Numéro PauseTéléservices Fonction Durée DE ConversationMuet Voice Mail / Phone MailMémoires ProgrammerComposer CORRIGER/MODIFIER NOMEffacer LA Combinaison NOM/NUMÉRO Effacer ?Indication Numér O EN Général NOMNouvel Appel Même Appeleur Lire LA Mémoire Composer LE Numéro Effacer Sélectivement LE Numéro Effacer Tous LES NumérosLhorloge EntretienDeclaration of Networkcompatibility Declaration of ConformityInstallation Power Supply Telephonecord & HandsetcordPabx Wall MountTime and Date HOW to USE Incoming Call Call Transfer and Network ServicesTeleservices Outgoing CallCall Timer MuteVoice MAIL/PHONEMAIL Memories DialingModifying Name DeletingCALLER-ID Functioning MemoryName Repeated CallTips & Remarks Power Supply Call BackErase Specific Numbers Erase ALLMaintenance ClockIsdn NAME/NUMBER CombinationErklär UNG Betreffend NETZWERK-VEREINBARKEIT Erklär UNG ZUR Konformitä TEinleitung Installation Batterien HörerTelefon HAUS- Oder BürozentraleEinstellungen DISPLAY-SPRACHEUhrzeit KontrastGebrauch Eingehende Anrufe Abgehende AnrufeWahlwiederholung Weiterleiten UND NETZWERK-/KOMFORT-DIENSTEGesprächsdaueranzeige StumschaltingSpeicher ProgrammierenWählen KORRIGIEREN/ÄNDERN Eines NamensLöschen VON NAME/RUFNUMMER-KOMBINATION Rufnummerwiedergabe Allgemeines Neue Eingehende AnrufeWiederholte Anrufe UHRZEIT/DATUMSpeicher Lesen Rufnummer WählenEinzelne Rufnummer Löschen Alle Rufnummern LöschenUHR NAME-/RUFNUMMER Kombination WartungGarantiebewijs HOE TE HandelenDE Garantie Vervalt Carte DE Garantie Comment AgirLA Garantie Echoit Warrantycard HOW to ACTGuarantee Expires Garantieschein WIE ZU Handeln