Static Addressing Installation
8.Press the 1 or 0 button to turn 802.1Q on or off respectively. The display is updated to show the current status of 802.1Q.
9.Press the # button to continue the procedure without changing the displayed status of 802.1Q
The following text displays
VLAN ID=dddd
where dddd is the value of the 802.1 VLAN ID.
10.Enter a valid value between 0 and 4094 for the new value of the 802.1 VLAN ID. The following message displays:
VLAN test=ddd
where ddd is the value of the DHCPOFFER wait period.
11.Enter a valid value between 0 and 999 for the new value of the DHCPOFFER wait period. The following message displays:
Save new values? *=no #=yes
12.Press the # button to save the new values you entered. The following message displays:
New values being saved
Once the new values are stored, the telephone is reset.
If a new boot program is downloaded from the TFTP server after you enter static addressing information, you must reenter your static addressing information.
Issue 6 February 2007 57