Useful Hints
Consider recording your standard greeting each day. Doing this conveys to your callers that you closely manage your mailbox and access your voice mail daily.
Sample standard greeting changed daily: “You have reached <your name> on <day and date>. I’m in the office but was unable to take your call. Please leave a detailed message and I’ll return your call.”
Request a callback number from your callers to return their calls more easily.
When you press 8 to reply to the message, Messaging Voice Mail uses the callback number to place the call. This number also appears on your pager or mobile phone, or when the message is shown on your desktop computer. To use this feature, you may want to include the following line at the end of your greeting:
“To leave a callback phone number where I can reach you, press 8 then 8 again and follow the prompts.”
When someone else in your organization, another subscriber, sends you a message, they do not hear your out-
Try recording greetings and voice messages when your office is quiet.
Hold the telephone about
User Guide | 35 |