4.Enter the digit that specifies the weekend day/days during which automatic switching into the day mode is enabled or disabled.
0Disable switching into Day mode on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
1Enable Day mode on Sunday.
2Enable Day mode on Saturday.
3Enable Day mode on Sunday and Saturday.
*4 Enable Day mode on Friday.
5Enable Day mode on Friday and Sunday.
6Enable Day mode on Friday and Saturday.
7Enable Day mode on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
5. Pause for confirmation tone. Hang up or continue programming.
If Automatic Day/Night Switching is enabled, the Phone Line Manager 16 x 4 will automatically determine (upon power up or Switching time changes) whether it should be in the Day or Night mode. For proper operation, it is necessary that the time specified for switching into the Day mode must be earlier in the day than the time specified for switching into the Night mode. Otherwise, improper operation will result.
If the Operator enters the 56 or 57 command to manually change the operating mode, automatic switching will be disabled and must be