Porter-Cable C6001, N078948 instruction manual Risk of Electrical Shock, Risk from Flying Objects

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• Over inflation of tires could

• Use a tire pressure gauge to check

result in serious injury

the tires pressure before each use

and property damage.

and while inflating tires; see the tire


sidewall for the correct tire pressure.


NOTE: Air tanks, compressors and similar


equipment used to inflate tires can fill


small tires very rapidly. Adjust pressure


regulator on air supply to no more than


the rating of the tire pressure. Add air


in small increments and frequently use


the tire gauge to prevent over inflation.






























































• Your compressor is powered


• Never operate the compressor outdoors



by electricity. Like any other


when it is raining or in wet conditions.



electrically powered device,


• Never operate compressor with



if it is not used properly it


protective covers removed or damaged.



may cause electric shock.




Repairs attempted by


• Any electrical wiring or repairs



unqualified personnel can


required on this product should be



result in serious injury or


performed by authorized service



death by electrocution.


center personnel in accordance with










national and local electrical codes.


Electrical Grounding:


• Make certain that the electrical



Failure to provide adequate


circuit to which the compressor



grounding to this product


is connected provides proper



could result in serious injury


electrical grounding, correct voltage



or death from electrocution.


and adequate fuse protection.



Refer to Grounding





Instructions paragraph in





the Installation section.









































































• The compressed air stream can


• Always wear certified safety equipment:



cause soft tissue damage to


ANSI Z87.1 eye protection (CAN/



exposed skin and can propel


CSA Z94.3) with side shields



dirt, chips, loose particles,


when using the compressor.



and small objects at high


• Never point any nozzle or sprayer



speed, resulting in property


toward any part of the body or



damage or personal injury.


at other people or animals.

Always turn the compressor off and bleed pressure from the air hose and air tank before attempting maintenance, attaching tools or accessories.

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Contents C6001 Important Safety Instructions Safety Guidelines DefinitionsRisk of Explosion or Fire What can Happen HOW to Prevent IT HazardRisk to Breathing Asphyxiation What can Happen HOW to Prevent ITRisk of Bursting Attachments & accessoriesRisk from Flying Objects Risk of Electrical ShockRisk of Unsafe Operation Risk from Moving Parts What can Happen HOW to Prevent ITRisk of HOT Surfaces Risk from Noise Risk of Falling What can Happen HOW to Prevent ITAccessories SpecificationsGlossary Duty CycleInstallation AssemblyHOW to SET UP Your Unit UnpackingLifting Voltage and Circuit ProtectionTransporting Description of Operation OperationKnow Your AIR Compressor Before Starting Before Each Start-Up How to StopHow to Start To Check Safety Valve MaintenanceCustomer Responsibilities To Drain TankTo Replace Regulator Manifold Service and AdjustmentsStorage Replacement Parts Service and RepairsProblem Cause Correction TroubleshootingDescription Overload Protection Mise EN GARDE. Risque DE Limited WarrantyConsignes DE Sécurité Importantes Mesures DE Sécurité DéfinitionsIndique un danger Risque D’EXPLOSION OU D’INCENDIEPeut causer de sérieuses Blessures, voire la mort Risque Repiratoire AsphyxieRisque D’ÉCLATEMENT Pneus Des pneus surgonflés AccessoiresPourraient provoquer des Blessures graves et desDirectives relatives à la mise Risque DE Choc ÉlectriqueMise à la terre électrique Pièces Mobiles Risque Associé AUXRisque DE Chute CE QUI Peut SE Produire Comment L’ÉVITER Risque Associé À UtilisationModèle no C6001 LexiqueRisque Associé AU Bruit Accessoires Cycle DE ServiceAssemblage DéballageProtection Contre LA Surtension ET Protection DU Circuit RallongesLevage DéplacementTransport Description DU Fonctionnement UtilisationFAMILIARISEZ-VOUS Avec Votre Compresseur Dair Arrêt de lappareil Utilisation DE LappareilVérification DE LA Soupape DE Sûreté EntretienResponsabilités DU Client Vidange DU Réservoir Entretien ET RéglagesUne de chaque côté RangementPour Remplacer LE Collecteur DU Régulateur Pièces DE Rechange Entretien ET Réparation ServiceProblème Cause Correction DépannageRemarque Ajustez la Intitulé «Description duFonctionnement» de la Surcharge du moteur Garantie LimitéeRisk of DAMAGE. do not USE Peligro Definiciones DE Normas DE SeguridadInstrucciones Importantes DE Seguridad ¿QUÉ Puede SUCEDER? Cómo Evitarlo Riesgo Respiratorio AsfixiaRiesgo DE Explosión Neumáticos El inflado excesivo de Elementos y accesoriosLos neumáticos podría Causar lesiones graves yRiesgo POR Piezas Móviles Riesgo DE Superficies CalientesRiesgo DE Caídas Riesgo DE Operación InseguraGlosario Cuadro DE EspecificacionesRiesgo POR Ruidos Modelo Nº C6001Accesorios Ciclo DE ServicioEnsamblado InstalaciónProtección DEL Voltaje Y DEL Circuito Cables DE Extensión EléctricaTransporte OperaciónConozca SU Compresor DE Aire Levantar la unidadCómo detenerla Descripción DE OperacionesCómo Utilizar SU Unidad Cómo poner en marcha Antes de poner en marchaAntes de cada puesta en marcha Responsabilidades DEL Cliente MantenimientoCómo Verificar LA Válvula DE Seguridad Cómo Drenar EL TanqueReemplazo DEL Múltiple DEL Regulador Servicio Y AjustesPiezas DE Repuesto AlmacenajeServicio Problema Causa Guía DE Diagnóstico DE ProblemasMantenimiento Y Reparaciones CorrecciónNo efectúe perforación Agua. No sobreajusteAlguna sobre la Soldadura o cosaCorrección Del motor en la Consulte Protector deSobrecalentamiento Garantía Limitada Póliza DE GarantíaIdentificación DEL Producto Sello o firma del Distribuidor ExcepcionesPara conseguir gratuitamente otras de repuesto Sustitución Gratuita DE LAS Etiquetas AdvertenciaPara Otras Localidades Page Highway 45 North Jackson, TN