Aquacal 100 owner manual MAINTENANCE& OPERATIONcontinued Heating Tips, Heating in Cooler Weather

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Heating Tips

Heating in Cooler Weather...

Late night and early morning, generally being the coolest times of the day, are least efficient for heat pump operation. For most efficient operation, heat pumps should be timed to operate during the warmest, daylight portions of the day. Please set water pump controls accordingly.

Pool/Spa Blankets...

A “solar” blanket will significantly reduce your heating bills. Check with the installing dealer to see if your heat pump was sized to be used in conjunction with a blanket. Blanketed pools will typically lose only 3 - 4° of heat per night versus 8 - 10° overnight with an un-blanketed pool. Reductions of 40-60% on heating bills can be achieved by using blankets. (Idea...Contact AquaCal Customer Support (800- 786-7751) to learn about Liquid Blanket innovations.)

Failure to heed the following may result in permanent WARNING ! injury or death.

Improperly used, Pool-Spa blankets can become a drowning risk to people and pets. Blankets are not safety covers. They are not designed to support the weight of a person or pet. Never enter a pool until the blanket is completely removed (under no circumstances should anyone swim under the blanket). Follow all safety recommendations of the blanket manufacturer.

Pool and Spa Combination Heating...

Everything stated for heating a pool applies for heating a spa— only the volume of water being heated is different. All AquaCal heat pumps come equipped with two thermostats. One thermostat is for the pool and the other is for the spa. Simply position the pool and spa isolation valves as directed by your installer; select the appropriate thermostat (pool or spa), whichever you are heating, and with electrical power and water flow supplied to the heater, the water will be maintained at set point.

Your system can be automated with the addition of an optional AquaCal Universal Heater Controller (AquaCal part #0097TS). Using this option will save you from having to change the thermostat switch each time you change from pool to spa and back again. For details, contact your installing dealer or AquaCal Customer Support (800-786-7751).

Spa Heating & Spa Setback Option...

Air blowing into your spa while it is being heated will very often neutralize or partially counteract the heat being put into the spa by the heater; this added heat loss equates to increased time to bring your spa to desired temperature. When heating a spa, be sure to turn off the air blower. Air induced through the spa jets should also be eliminated, during warm-up, whenever possible.

If your heater is being used to only heat a spa, the POOL thermostat can be used as a setback control: simply set the pool control at a point 10-15º F below desired spa heat temperature and select the pool thermostat. This method allows the spa–when not in use–to be held at a heated temperature, but somewhat lower than normal spa-use temperature. One would want to blanket the spa if using this setback method. Using spa setback will result in reduced warm up periods over full-cold starts.


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Contents Installation Guide ModelsATTENTION INSTALLER 100Page TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUEDAquaCal’s factory-trainedservice staff is efficient than gas, and, when comparedWelcome Tto theThermoLink Heat Exchanger Important Features of Your New Heat PumpScroll Compressor Digital ControllerA Heat Pump Does Not Make Heat… HOW A HEAT PUMP WORKSNTERS HEATSAFETY INFORMATION Water Temperature Safety Refrigerant Circuit Service Only byWater Chemistry Safety Notice Heater NOT Repairable by Owner1.Verify Electrical Power is Present at Heater HEATING- QUICK START & STOP3.To Begin Heating HEATING-QUICKSTART & STOPcontinued4.Program Filter Pump Run Time 5.Continuous Usage and Water Around HeaterHEATER CONTROLS Control Panel LayoutControl Buttons, Indicator Lights, & Display Operational & Programming Codes HEATER CONTROLS...continuedOwner-LevelProgramming Instructions Complete Start Up & Setting Operating Controls1.Applying Power to The Controller HEATER CONTROLS...continued4. Selecting Pool/Spa Thermostat Settings Start Up & Setting Operating ControlsHEATER CONTROLS...continued Owner-LevelProgramming Instructions...continuedHEATER CONTROLS...continued Start Up & Setting Operating ControlsOwner-LevelProgramming Instructions...continued B.De-Activatingthe User Lock Code ULC functionHEATER CONTROLS...continued Start Up & Setting Operating ControlsOwner-LevelProgramming Instructions...continued 9.Selecting Call-FlexPump Options CFOGeneral Maintenance MAINTENANCESafety During Cleaning Operations OPERATIONAL RECOMMENDATIONSMaintain Proper Water Flow MAINTENANCE& OPERATIONcontinuedControl Water Chemistry RECOMMENDED WATER CHEMISTRY STANDARDSMaintain Proper Clearances Around Heater Control Irrigation and Storm Run OffMAINTENANCE& OPERATIONcontinued 100 & 120 MODELS 1- FTHeating in Cooler Weather MAINTENANCE& OPERATIONcontinued Heating TipsPool/Spa Blankets Pool and Spa Combination HeatingMAINTENANCE& OPERATIONcontinued Calculating Initial Heating TimeInformation Critical to the Seasonal Use & Shut DownSurvival of Your Heater Follows During the Swim SeasonWinterizing Procedure MAINTENANCE& OPERATIONcontinuedLOCATION OF EXTERNAL DRAIN PLUG Planned Maintenance Program MAINTENANCE& OPERATIONcontinuedAquaCal Customer Support at Heat Pump Fails to Operate TROUBLESHOOTINGHeat Pump Running but Not Heating Water Coming from the Heat PumpHeat Pump Fails to Operate TROUBLESHOOTING FLOWCHARTProblem Problem Solved Solved STARTTROUBLESHOOTING FLOWCHART Heat Pump Running but Not HeatingProblem Problem Solved Solved Problem Problem Solved SolvedTROUBLESHOOTING FLOWCHART Water Coming from Heat PumpProblem Problem Solved Solved TESTINGPage Controls Configuration Installation SpecificationsSPECIFICDEALERINFORMATION FOLLOWS Models 100DEALER-SPECIFICTABLE of CONTENTS DEALER-SPECIFICTABLE of CONTENTS CONTINUEDElectrical Requirements SAFETY INFORMATION DATA PLATE NOMENCLATURERefrigerant Circuit Service Only by Notice Heater NOT Repairable by OwnerSPECIFICATIONS Physical Characteristics100 & 120 MODELS 155 MODELS Water/ElectricalRequirements Performance/Size/Weight100 - Heating Only Models 100 - Heat & Cool Models Reversing120 - Heat & Cool Models Reversing 120 - Heating Only Models120AHDE 120BHDE155 - Heat & Cool Models Reversing 155 - Heating Only Models155AHDE 155BHDEPlacement of Heater INSTALLATIONIndoorInstallation OutdoorInstallationcontinued INSTALLATION- PLACEMENT OF HEATEREquipment Mounting Pad Requirements Anchoring Heater to PadOverview Plumbing RequirementsParts and Materials In-LineChlorine FeedersPlumbing Requirements INSTALLATIONPlumbing Schematic-FlowExceeding 70-GPM Plumbing Schematics-Flow20 to 70-GPMWater IN & OUT Connections- Typical Plumbing Schematics-Flow20 to 70-GPMINSTALLATION Plumbing RequirementsElectrical Requirements Connecting External ControllersGeneral Requirements Code-SpecificRequirementsAWord Concerning Ground-FaultProtection Sizing the Electrical ServiceElectrical Requirements continued Reference the Equipment Data PlateControls Configuration & Adjustments Level-2 Dealer-ServiceMicroprocessor Programming1.Entering Service Menu Level-2Microprocessor Programming...continued Controls Configuration & Adjustments3.Configuring for External Controllers JAO or FS2 Perform calibration procedure as followsLevel-2Microprocessor Programming...continued Controls Configuration & Adjustments4. Water Sensor Calibration...continued 5. Defrost Sensor Calibration dSCLevel-2Microprocessor Programming...continued Controls Configuration & Adjustments5.Defrost Sensor Calibration...continued 6.Spa Dead Band Differential dBSControls Configuration & Adjustments Level-2Microprocessor Programming...continued7.Pool Dead Band Differential...continued Microprocessor Factory Default Settings Microprocessor Level-2Set Up & Calibration CodesControls Configuration & Adjustments Service Adjustable ParametersTroubleshooting Using Displayed Codes Controls Configuration & AdjustmentsInterpreting Error Codes Controls Configuration & Adjustments Microprocessor Mode Jumper PositioningMode Jumper Explained Verifying the Mode Jumper Position is CorrectControls Configuration & Adjustments Defrost Systems- Described Controls Configuration & AdjustmentsDEFROST CYCLE HEAT ONLY UNITS DEFROST CYCLE HEAT & COOL UNITSControls Configuration & Adjustments Water Flow Pressure Switch AdjustmentLocate Water Pressure Switch and Identify Type To Adjust a “Len Gordon” SwitchControls Configuration & Adjustments Water Flow Pressure Switch Adjustment...continuedP-2,Len Gordon Style Switch P-1,WPS Location P-3,TecMark Style SwitchInstallation Date What We Need to Know When You Call UsCONTACTING THE FACTORY ModelPage 2737 24th St. North St. Petersburg, FL