Aquacal 100 owner manual Safety Information

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Used and maintained properly, your heat pump will provide year-upon-year of safe and economical service. However, as with any mechanical or electrical device, to get the most from your heat pump–while insuring personal safety for you and others–certain operational and maintenance factors must be observed.

Likewise, excepting a few minor owner-capable maintenance items (explained later in this manual), repair and service of your heat pump must be performed only by experienced service personnel. Should you, the owner, suspect your heat pump is not performing properly, by referring to the section in this manual entitled: "Troubleshooting", you will be able to determine if a call for service is required. Your installer can be one source of service, or AquaCal Customer Support personnel stand ready to assist you at: (800) 786-7751. For questions concerning installation, modifications, operation, service and upkeep, please contact your installer or AquaCal Customer Support. Warranties may be voided if the heater has been used, maintained, or repaired improperly.

In addition to possible voiding of warranties: unapproved installation methods, nonstandard modifications, poor or incorrect maintenance, service by unqualified personnel, or improper use of this unit, may result in personal injury and/or property damage. For personal safety and to avoid damage to equipment, it is important that safety instructions displayed on the heat pump, and within this manual, are read, understood, and followed.

Throughout this manual the following two safety signals are placed where particular care is required. Please note "WARNING" relates to personal safety, while "CAUTION" signals promote avoiding damage to equipment.


Failure to heed the following may result in perma- nent injury or death.

“Warning” signal appears in this manual where special attention is required for personal safety. (Specific instructions will appear in this box.)


Failure to heed the following may result in equipment damage.

“Caution” signal appears in this manual where special care is required to avoid equipment damage. (Specific instructions will appear in this box.)


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Contents Models Installation GuideATTENTION INSTALLER 100Page TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED TABLE OF CONTENTSefficient than gas, and, when compared AquaCal’s factory-trainedservice staff isWelcome Tto theImportant Features of Your New Heat Pump ThermoLink Heat ExchangerScroll Compressor Digital ControllerHOW A HEAT PUMP WORKS A Heat Pump Does Not Make Heat…NTERS HEATSAFETY INFORMATION Refrigerant Circuit Service Only by Water Temperature SafetyWater Chemistry Safety Notice Heater NOT Repairable by OwnerHEATING- QUICK START & STOP 1.Verify Electrical Power is Present at HeaterHEATING-QUICKSTART & STOPcontinued 3.To Begin Heating4.Program Filter Pump Run Time 5.Continuous Usage and Water Around HeaterControl Buttons, Indicator Lights, & Display HEATER CONTROLSControl Panel Layout HEATER CONTROLS...continued Operational & Programming CodesStart Up & Setting Operating Controls Owner-LevelProgramming Instructions Complete1.Applying Power to The Controller HEATER CONTROLS...continuedStart Up & Setting Operating Controls 4. Selecting Pool/Spa Thermostat SettingsHEATER CONTROLS...continued Owner-LevelProgramming Instructions...continuedStart Up & Setting Operating Controls HEATER CONTROLS...continuedOwner-LevelProgramming Instructions...continued B.De-Activatingthe User Lock Code ULC functionStart Up & Setting Operating Controls HEATER CONTROLS...continuedOwner-LevelProgramming Instructions...continued 9.Selecting Call-FlexPump Options CFOMAINTENANCE General MaintenanceSafety During Cleaning Operations OPERATIONAL RECOMMENDATIONSMAINTENANCE& OPERATIONcontinued Maintain Proper Water FlowControl Water Chemistry RECOMMENDED WATER CHEMISTRY STANDARDSControl Irrigation and Storm Run Off Maintain Proper Clearances Around HeaterMAINTENANCE& OPERATIONcontinued 100 & 120 MODELS 1- FTMAINTENANCE& OPERATIONcontinued Heating Tips Heating in Cooler WeatherPool/Spa Blankets Pool and Spa Combination HeatingCalculating Initial Heating Time MAINTENANCE& OPERATIONcontinuedSeasonal Use & Shut Down Information Critical to theSurvival of Your Heater Follows During the Swim SeasonLOCATION OF EXTERNAL DRAIN PLUG Winterizing ProcedureMAINTENANCE& OPERATIONcontinued AquaCal Customer Support at Planned Maintenance ProgramMAINTENANCE& OPERATIONcontinued TROUBLESHOOTING Heat Pump Fails to OperateHeat Pump Running but Not Heating Water Coming from the Heat PumpTROUBLESHOOTING FLOWCHART Heat Pump Fails to OperateProblem Problem Solved Solved STARTHeat Pump Running but Not Heating TROUBLESHOOTING FLOWCHARTProblem Problem Solved Solved Problem Problem Solved SolvedWater Coming from Heat Pump TROUBLESHOOTING FLOWCHARTProblem Problem Solved Solved TESTINGPage Installation Specifications Controls ConfigurationSPECIFICDEALERINFORMATION FOLLOWS Models 100DEALER-SPECIFICTABLE of CONTENTS Electrical Requirements DEALER-SPECIFICTABLE of CONTENTSCONTINUED DATA PLATE NOMENCLATURE SAFETY INFORMATIONRefrigerant Circuit Service Only by Notice Heater NOT Repairable by Owner100 & 120 MODELS 155 MODELS SPECIFICATIONSPhysical Characteristics Performance/Size/Weight Water/ElectricalRequirements100 - Heating Only Models 100 - Heat & Cool Models Reversing120 - Heating Only Models 120 - Heat & Cool Models Reversing120AHDE 120BHDE155 - Heating Only Models 155 - Heat & Cool Models Reversing155AHDE 155BHDEINSTALLATION Placement of HeaterIndoorInstallation OutdoorInstallationINSTALLATION- PLACEMENT OF HEATER continuedEquipment Mounting Pad Requirements Anchoring Heater to PadPlumbing Requirements OverviewParts and Materials In-LineChlorine FeedersINSTALLATION Plumbing RequirementsPlumbing Schematic-FlowExceeding 70-GPM Plumbing Schematics-Flow20 to 70-GPMPlumbing Schematics-Flow20 to 70-GPM Water IN & OUT Connections- TypicalINSTALLATION Plumbing RequirementsConnecting External Controllers Electrical RequirementsGeneral Requirements Code-SpecificRequirementsSizing the Electrical Service AWord Concerning Ground-FaultProtectionElectrical Requirements continued Reference the Equipment Data Plate1.Entering Service Menu Controls Configuration & AdjustmentsLevel-2 Dealer-ServiceMicroprocessor Programming Controls Configuration & Adjustments Level-2Microprocessor Programming...continued3.Configuring for External Controllers JAO or FS2 Perform calibration procedure as followsControls Configuration & Adjustments Level-2Microprocessor Programming...continued4. Water Sensor Calibration...continued 5. Defrost Sensor Calibration dSCControls Configuration & Adjustments Level-2Microprocessor Programming...continued5.Defrost Sensor Calibration...continued 6.Spa Dead Band Differential dBS7.Pool Dead Band Differential...continued Controls Configuration & AdjustmentsLevel-2Microprocessor Programming...continued Microprocessor Level-2Set Up & Calibration Codes Microprocessor Factory Default SettingsControls Configuration & Adjustments Service Adjustable ParametersInterpreting Error Codes Troubleshooting Using Displayed CodesControls Configuration & Adjustments Microprocessor Mode Jumper Positioning Controls Configuration & AdjustmentsMode Jumper Explained Verifying the Mode Jumper Position is CorrectControls Configuration & Adjustments Controls Configuration & Adjustments Defrost Systems- DescribedDEFROST CYCLE HEAT ONLY UNITS DEFROST CYCLE HEAT & COOL UNITSWater Flow Pressure Switch Adjustment Controls Configuration & AdjustmentsLocate Water Pressure Switch and Identify Type To Adjust a “Len Gordon” SwitchWater Flow Pressure Switch Adjustment...continued Controls Configuration & AdjustmentsP-2,Len Gordon Style Switch P-1,WPS Location P-3,TecMark Style SwitchWhat We Need to Know When You Call Us Installation DateCONTACTING THE FACTORY ModelPage 2737 24th St. North St. Petersburg, FL