Tracing and Logging Utilities
Use this command to format the trace file that was created with nettl. Refer to the man pages for x25trace for more information and examples on this command
| Specifies the name of the file containing the filter |
| configuration commands. You create this file with your |
| text editor. If this option is omitted, filter configuration |
| commands are read from the $HOME/.nettr file if it |
| exists. Refer to “Creating a filter file” at the end of this |
| section for an explanation of filter file syntax. |
The parse input option lets you do a syntax check on | |
| the configuration file specified with the |
| the syntax is correct, netfmt terminates with no output |
| or warnings. |
The follow input file option causes netfmt to keep the | |
| input file open when it reaches the end of the file. The |
| file is kept open and netfmt continues to read from it |
| as new data arrives. This option is useful for |
| troubleshooting because it lets you monitor events in |
| real time. |
| |
| Lets you specify how many records you want to format |
| from the end of the file. This enables you to get the |
| most recent information. The maximum number of |
| records is 1000. By default, all records are formatted. |
Chapter 7 | 185 |