PAD Services
UUCP Support (x29uucpd)
READ=/ \
where the LOGNAME parameter creates a link with dave’s Systems file.
Step 11. Test the X.25 connection using:
bill# x25server
dave# x25check [bill’s X.121 address]
If successful, you will receive the message “Remote connection succeeded.”
Step 12. Test the files: x29hosts, x3config (at bill) using: dave# padem [bill’s X.121 address]
If successful, you will receive the “login” message and you will be able to enter your details.
Step 13. Test the files: x29hosts, x3config, Systems, Devices (at dave) using:
dave# cu -d9 bill
If successful, you will receive an output something like:
Autodialing - please wait call dial(1761259328)
baud=19200, speed=19200, line=(null), telno=- call find_dev(15076527500)
baud=19200, speed=19200, line=(null), telno=- nomodem is 0
fixline(6, 19200) fixline - direct MDTR was not set gdial(direct) called call mode(1) Connected transmit started receive started
If you don’t see the “login:” prompt, type dave# uusnap. You should receive the following output:
Chapter 6 | 157 |