PAD Services
UUCP Support (x29uucpd)
Rmtname bill, Role MASTER, Ifn - 6, Loginuser - root rmesg - ‘P’ imsg >ˆPPgfdxˆ@got Pgfdx
wmesg ‘U’f Proto started f
/*the f protocol for UUCP is selected*/
***TOP *** - role=1, setline - X gtwvec: dir /var/spool/uucp/bill wmesg ‘H’
got HY- ‘H’ enter frdmsg:HY PROCESS: msg - HY
wmesg ‘H’Y cntrl - 0
send OO 0,imsg >HYˆMˆPOOOOOOˆ@exit code 0 Conversation Complete: Status SUCCEEDED
If you receive an error such as “RETRY TIME NOT REACHED,” you can delete the status file as follows:
dave# rm /var/spool/uucp/.Status/bill
If you receive the message “SUCCEEDED,” your uucp/X.25 connection is operating correctly.
Step 15. Test file transfers using:
dave# uucp -r /tmp/filename bill!/tmp/filename
where you’re transferring a file from dave to bill and the
To launch the file transfer correctly, now use:
dave# /usr/lib/uucp/uucico -r1 -x9 -sbill
This completes the testing procedure.
Chapter 6 | 159 |