This section contains information on the assembly and the electronic sections of the Model 7300A Infrared Analyzer. The sample-handling sections of the system are statistically low failure items and only require the maintenance as pertinent to sample system operation (plugging, flowrates, leaks, etc.). Flow system “failures” are usually of the nature that are easily resolved by personnel familiar with basic mechanics of the Model 7300A flow system or sample system.
The electronic sections are more complex, requiring the assistance of personnel trained in electronics in the event of failure. The electronics sections of the analyzers include advanced solid-state and digital circuitry which requires a thorough understanding of circuit theory and troubleshooting techniques.
It is recommended that only qualified electronic technicians troubleshoot electronic failures within the analyzers. Although both analyzers contain plug-in printed circuit panels, service personnel should be familiar both with the analyzer theory of operation and the basics of analog circuit theory before troubleshooting.
All basic customer electronic adjustments and calibrations of the analyzer can be accomplished with a DC volt-ohm meter (preferably with a digital readout). All circuit boards are of the plug-in replaceable type and only require a DC voltmeter for set-up.
The following is a listing of parts needed for electronic calibration and troubleshooting of the analyzers:
Accurate DC volt-ohm meter (digital readout) with clip-type leads
Miniature clip-type jumper leads (12" long)
Small blade screwdriver (TAI P/N S-190)
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