Fig. 61
d.Remove all burners with pilots by first tracing all electrical leads coming from pilot to their points of connection, remove leads from terminals to which they are connected, and then tag each lead with respective terminal designation. Disconnect Pilot Tubing at nearest connection to pilot and remove burner as outlined in paragraph c. above.
e.When replacing burners, reverse procedure used in removal of burners. Make sure burners are secure in keyhole slots in base rear panel and hitch pin clips are installed in grooves in all main burner orifices.
Burners with pilots must be in same locations as original installation. If markings placed on manifold (when burners were removed) are obliterated, see
Fig. 62. Reconnect electrical leads and reconnect pilot tubing.
Reinstall Flue Cleanout Plates so that they are gas tight. Reinstall Burner Access Panels and Jacket Panels.
Manufacturers Instruction should be followed on all parts installed on the boiler that require lubrication. Generally this involves only the circulator in a hot water system. This includes:
(a)Type of lubricant to be used
(b)Frequency of lubrication
(c)Points to lubricate