This thermocouple will cool in 45 to 90 seconds allowing the pilot line safety valve to close. This shuts off the flow of gas to the pilot. It is in this manner that 100%
(1)Turn off all switches on panel(s).
(2)Turn off manual main and pilot
10.EOP CONTROL SYSTEM – 5015B thru 5026B
The 5015B thru 5026B boilers utilize two EOP Control
Systems that are interconnected electrically thru all operating and safety controls. Should any of the aforementioned controls break the power supply circuit, both EOP Control Systems would be
The EOP Control System functionally is the same as the EO Control System. The RA890F Protectorelay, however, is installed in a prewired control cabinet along with a terminal strip, “main power” switch, “main gas valves” switch, “main power” lamp, “main gas valves” lamp and “pilot failure” lamp.
The RA890F Protectorelay Primary Control is a non- programming amplifying relay which, when used with the Q179D Rectification Pilot (standing or continuous burning pilot) provides solid state electronic Flame Safeguard Protection during a “call for heat” pilot failure. Should this occur, main burners will shut down within 0.8 second, “Main Gas Valves Lamp” will go off, the Protectorelay will lockout on safety shutdown within 15 seconds and the “Pilot Failure Alarm Lamp” will be lighted. The thermocouple in the Q179D pilot will cool and, within 45 to 90 seconds, will cause
On the next call for heat the Protectorelay will immediately sense the absence of pilot flame and the
“Pilot Failure Alarm Lamp” will be lighted.
(1)Turn off all switches on both panels.
(2)Turn off all manual main and pilot gas valves.
Wait at least five (5) minutes before proceeding.
(3)Push safety switch reset button on both panels.
(4)Turn on one pilot gas valve. Depress button on
(5)Set operating control to desired temperature or pressure.
(6)Turn on Main Power Switch. Main Power
Lamps will light.
(7)Turn on Manual Main Gas Valves.
(8)Turn on Main Gas Valve Switch on both panels to light burners. Main Gas Valve Light on each panel will light.
Proceed To Paragraph 15- Minimum Input Adjustments (for diaphragm
motorized type gas valves)
b.NORMAL OPERATION – 5015B thru 5026B
(1)When the operating control calls for heat, terminal, #6 terminal of each RA890F Protectorelay is energized through terminals 1, 6
& 7 of their respective panel terminal strip.
(2)A component
(3)Flame rod circuit of each RA890F relay and its Q179D pilot proves the presence of pilot flame electronically.
(4)Terminal #5 on each RA890F is energized, and providing the “Main Gas Valve Switch” is “ON” (circuit closed), supplies power to its respective main gas valves.
(5)“Main Gas Valve” lamps will be lighted, main gas valves will open and main burners will be ignited by the pilot flames.
(6)When operating control is satisfied, terminals #6 and #5 on the RA890F relays are
(7)The Q179D pilots continue to burn.
If limit control, Low Water