Removing Blade Belt
1; Remove right and left pulley covers (as viewed from rear of mower). Right cover is held on by two bolts and one nut, left cover by two bolts. Retain bolts and nuts to replace cover.
2.Grasp belt with both hands on either side of the rear center idler pulley (see illustrationfor location). Pull back towards you to create enough slack to slip belt off pulley.
3.Belt will now be quite slack and can easily be removed from other pulleys, including tensioner arm pulley (illustrated).
3.To remove belt from gearbox driven pulley, remove the two bolts holding front of the gearbox mount to mower deck, and loosen the two bolts on the rear of the gearbox mount. Tip the gearbox up and slip the belt off the gearbox pulley and slide it underneath the gearbox to completely remove.
Installing Blade Belt
1.Remove the two bolts holding front of gearbox mount to mower deck, and loosen the two rear bolts (if not done previously).
2.Tilt gearbox up and slide belt underneath gearbox. Fit into pulley
3.Fit belt over all except center rear idler pulley. Make sure that belt goes behind pivot on tensioner arm (belt makes a bend at this point).
4.Grasp belt with both hands, and pull back towards you. Slip belt over center idler pulley.
5.Reinstall left and right pulley covers. Do not operate without pulley covers installed.
sloner Arm Pulley
Center Idler Pulley | v |
Belt Assembly