3Com 10014298 manual Configuring RIP Timers, Specifying RIP Version of the Interface

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default multicast address is The advantage of transmitting packets in the multicast mode is that the hosts in the same network that do not run RIP, do not receive RIP broadcast packets. In addition, this mode prevents the hosts that are running RIP-1 from incorrectly receiving and processing the routes with subnet mask in RIP-2. When an interface is running RIP-2, it can also receive RIP-1 packets.

Perform the following configuration in VLAN interface view.

Table 86 Specifying RIP Version of the Interface





Specify the interface version as RIP-1

rip version 1

Specify the interface version as RIP-2

rip version 2 [ broadcast


multicast ]

Restore the default RIP version running on the

undo rip version { 1 2 }





By default, the interface receives and sends RIP-1 packets. It transmits packets in multicast mode when the interface RIP version is set to RIP-2.

Configuring RIP Timers

As stipulated in RFC1058, RIP is controlled by three timers: period update, timeout, and garbage-collection:

Period update is triggered periodically to send all RIP routes to all the neighbors.

If a RIP route has not been updated when the timeout timer expires, the route will be considered unreachable.

If the garbage-collection timer times out before the unreachable route is updated by the update packets from the neighbors, the route will be deleted completely from the routing table.

Modification of these timers can affect the convergence speed of RIP.

Perform the following configuration in RIP view.

Table 87 Configuring RIP Timers





Configure RIP timers

timers { update


update-timer-length timeout


timeout-timer-length }*

Restore the default settings of RIP

undo timers { update timeout } *



The modification of RIP timers takes effect immediately.

By default, the values of period update and timeout timers are 30 seconds and 180 seconds. The value of garbage-collection timer is four times that of period update timer, 120 seconds.

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3Com 10014298 manual Configuring RIP Timers, Specifying RIP Version of the Interface