Appendix B: Log Messages
DHCP response sent level 4
A DHCP response was successfully sent to requesting device.
DHCP socket failed level 1
Internal error occurred when attempting to start DHCP server.
DHCP: Host not added to ARP table level 2
The DHCP server could not add requesting host to ARP table.
Installing bad default route: ifnum=<inter> metric=<hops> gw=<ip>
level 6
The Express L128/L128T did not install a default route because the <inter> or <hops> was zero.
Rejecting packet with Source Routing option - src=<srcip> dest=<destip>
level 4
The Express L128/L128T has dropped a source routed IP packet due to invalid parameters.
setmask: local IP iface(0), not done level 6
Debug error used in determining router stack problems.
syslog: bad host level 2
Syslog function cannot use host name or IP set in Configuration/Logs/Syslog Host.
syslog: no port level 2
Syslog function cannot open port to send Log entries.
TEL: Telnet Session Closed level 4
Telnet server session has been closed.
Express L128/L128T User Manual | 135 |