Appendix B: Log Messages
telclient bad host level 2
Telnet client could not use host name or IP address set in Configuration/Util- ities/Telnet Client/Host.
telclient bad init level 2
Telnet client could not initialize a session.
Telnet Client: Clr TCBF_BUFFER flag failed level 6
Debugging message related to Telnet client function.
Telnet Client: Set TCBF_DONTBLOCK flag failed level 6
Debugging message related to Telnet client function.
Telnet Client socket failed level 2
Telnet client function could not open TCP socket.
Telnet server connect to <ip> level 4
Telnet server has connected to Telnet client with IP address <ip>.
Telnet Session Closed level 4
Telnet server has closed connection.
Telnet Session failed, error <errnum> level 2
Telnet server could not connect to Telnet client due to error.
TELNETD: accept failed level 2
Telnet server could not open TCP socket to incoming Telnet client.
TELNETD: Set TCPC_LISTENQ failed level 6
Debugging message related to Telnet server function.
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