Appendix B: Log Messages
L2 #2 not up level 2
A call attempt was stopped because ISDN layer 2 is down trying to get second TEI.
L3 not up level 2
A call attempt was stopped because ISDN layer 3 is down trying to register first SPID.
L3 #2 not up level 2
A call attempt was stopped because ISDN layer 3 is down trying to register second SPID.
LDN TOO LONG level 1
The number in either LDN 1 or LDN 2 is longer than 20 characters.
Called location was busy or network could not route call.
Network down level 4
The ISDN network is unavailable due to layers 1,2 or 3 dropping.
Network up level 4
The ISDN network layer 3 is up and is ready for calls.
No calling ID level 2
An incoming call did not provide the caller ID number required for authenti- cation.
No previous number level 1
An internal error occurred with
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