“half” digit, 100, 416
adjusting, 29
removing, 29
handshake (RS-232)
DTR/DSR mode, 153
factory setting, 47, 153
Modem mode, 154
None (no flow mode), 153
RTS/CTS mode, 153
selecting, 47, 153
XON/XOFF mode, 153
hardware output lines (alarms), 128
hardware, rack mounting, 31
high-frequency switching, 390
humidity, product operating, 408
ice bath, 348
address selection, 46, 151
cable, 51
connector, 5
interface selection, 46, 151
setting address, 150
factory address setting, 150
impedance mismatching, 391
INITiate command
description, 79, 204, 230
example, 206
injected current, dc voltage, 356
input resistance
dc loading errors, 357
dc voltage, 113, 114, 357
INPut:IMP:AUTO command, 114, 223
insertion loss, 391, 411
BenchLink Data Logger software, 18
module into mainframe, 20
instrument preset state, 161
instrument state storage
definition, 48
front-panel operation, 141
naming states, 48, 140
power-down recall, 140
remote operation, 141
INST:DMM command, 243, 267
INST:DMM:INST? command, 243, 267
integral error (DAC), 398
integrating ADC, 61
integration time
command syntax, 218
definition, 103
selecting, 103
vs. channel delays, 89
vs. normal mode rejection, 405
vs. number of bits, 103, 203
vs. number of digits, 103, 203
vs. reading speed, 405, 407
vs. resolution, 103, 203
interface, GPIB (IEEE-488)
address selection, 46, 151
cable, 51
connector, 5
interface selection, 46, 151
setting address, 150
factory address setting, 150
interface, RS-232 (serial)
baud rate, 47
cable, 51
flow control, 47
parity, 47
stop bits, 47
Interface key, 36, 46, 151
internal DMM
block diagram, 343
field installation kit
See Option 001 Installation Note
enabling/disabling, 145
reading relay count, 147
internal reference (thermocouple), 107
internal timer, scan interval, 80
interval scan
default value, 81
resolution, 81
setting from front panel, 81
setting from remote, 81
settings, 81
Interval key, 35, 81, 97
interval, scan-to-scan, 38, 80
IPTS-68 conversions, 110, 222, 346
isothermal block, 107, 350
ITS-90 conversions, 110, 222, 246, 405
jumper, Totalize Threshold, 135, 175
junction temperature, 347
Kelvins, setting units, 106
Mx+B scaling, 39, 120
stored states, 48
LAN-to-GPIB Gateway, 51
language, SCPI summary, 181-200
language, SCPI syntax
conventions, 73, 181
command syntax, 299
version query, 149
LAST annunciator, 4
latch mode, alarm output lines, 128
limits (alarms)
annunciators, 124
clearing alarm outputs, 129
configuring, 40
default settings, 41, 124
interaction with Mx+B, 40, 123
output connector location, 5
output connector pinout, 128
output latch mode, 128
output slope (polarity), 129
output track mode, 128
scan on alarm, 84
setting limits, 40
with readings, 87
line voltage
factory setting, 27
fuse, 27
selection, 27
selector module, 5, 28
loading errors
ac voltage, 364
dc input resistance, 357
input bias current, 358
lock-link kit (rack mounting), 31
long form, SCPI commands, 297
low frequency limit
ac current, 116
frequency, 118