Front-Panel Operation: After selecting the port, press to read
the bit pattern (the least significant bit is on the right). The bit
pattern read from the port will be displayed until you press another
key, turn the knob, or until the display times out.
To add a digital read to a scan list, choose the following item.
From the front-panel only, you can specify whether you want to use
binary or decimal format.
Remote Interface Operation: From the remote interface, you can read
an 8-bit byte from one port or a 16-bit word from both ports using the
following commands. If you are going to read both ports simultaneously,
you must send the command to port 01 and neither port can be
included in the scan list.
SENS:DIG:DATA:BYTE? (@302) Read port 02
SENS:DIG:DATA:WORD? (@301) Read both ports together
To redefine the scan list to include a digital read (8-bit read only),
send the following command.
CONF:DIG:BYTE (@302) Add port 02 read to scan list
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Digital Input Operations