Measurement Operations & Settings Signal Generation The SOURce Subsystem
140 Agilent 8163A/B, 8164A/B & 8166A/B Mainframes, Fifth Edition
command: [:SOURce[ n]][:CHANnel[m]]:WAVelength:SWEep:LLOGging
syntax: [:SOURce[n]][:CHANnel[m]]:WAVelength:SWEep:LLOGging<wsp>OFF|ON|0|1
description: Switches lambda logging on or off. Lambda logging is a feature that records th e exact wave-
length of a tunable laser module when a trigger is generated during a continuous sweep. You
can read this data using the [:SOURce[n]][:CHAN nel[m]]:READout:DATA? command.
NOTE The following settings are the prerequisites for Lambda Logging:
Set[:SOURce[n ]][:CHANnel[m]]:WAVelength:SWEep:MODE” on page 141 to CONTinuous.
Set :TRIGger[n][:CHANnel[m]]:OUTPut” on page 176 to STFinished (step finished).
Set [:SOURce[n]][:CHANnel[m]]:WAVelength:SWEep:CYCLes” on page 137 t o 1.
Set [:SOURce[n]][:CHANnel[m]]:AM:STATe[l]” on page 117 to OFF.
If any of the above prerequisites are not met, then when the sweep is started the status
"Sweep parameters inconsistent" will be returned and Lambda Logging will au tomatically
be turned off.
NOTE Lambda logging is disabled at the end of a sweep.
NOTE Generally, a continuous sweep can only be started if:
the trigger frequency, derived from the sweep speed and sweep step, is <= 40kHz
the number of triggers, calculated from the sweep span and sweep span, is <=100001
the start wavelength is less t han the stop wavelength .
In addition, a continuous sweep with lam bda logging requires:
the trigger output to be set to step finished
modulation set to coherence contro l or off.
parameters: 0 or OFF:
1 or ON:
switch lambda logging off
switch lambda logging on
response: none
example: wav:swe:llog 1
affects: All tunable laser modules e xcept Agilent 81649A and A gilent 81689A/B
command: [:SOURce[ n]][:CHANnel[m]]:WAVelength:SWEep:LLOGging?
syntax: [:SOURce[n]][:CHANnel[m]]:WAVelength:SWEep:LLOGging?
description: Returns the state of lambda logging.
parameters: none
response: A boolean value: 0 – lambda logging is switched off
1 – lambda logging is switched on
example: wav:swe:llog? 1<END>
affects: All tunable laser modules e xcept Agilent 81649A and A gilent 81689A/B