Signal Conditioning Measurement Operations & Settings
Agilent 8163A/B, 8164A/B & 8166A/B Mainframes, Fifth Edition 157
command: :OUTPutn[:CHANnel[m]]:STATe:APOWeron?
syntax: :OUTPutn[:CHANnel[m]]:STATe:APOWeron?
description: Queries the state o f the shutter at power on.
parameters: none
response: boolean 0 The shutter i s open after mainframe pow er on.
1 The shutter is closed after mainframe p ower on.
example: OUTP1:APOW? 0<END>
affects: All attenuator modules.
command: :OUTPutn[:CHANnel[m]]:ATIM e
syntax: :OUTPutn[:CHANnel[m]]:ATIMe<wsp><value>[ NS | US | M S| S ]
description: Sets the powermeter averaging time, which can, if the attenuator’s power contol feature is
activated, affect how the atten uator compensates for cha nges to input power.
parameters: <value> The averaging time (in seconds i f no unit spec ified).
response: none
example: OUTP1:ATIM 1s
affects: Attenuator modules with power co ntrol.
command: :OUTPutn]:CHANnel[m]]:ATIMe?
syntax: :OUTPutn[:CHANnel[m]]:ATIMe?
description: Queries the powermeter averaging time.
parameters: none
response: 4 byte Intel floating po int; the averaging tim e in seconds
example: OUTP1:ATIM? 1<END>
affects: Attenuator modules with p ower control.
command: :OUTPutn[:CHANnel[m]]:CORRection:COLLection:ZERO
syntax: :OUTPutn[:CHANnel[m]]:CORRection:COLLection:ZERO
description: Zeros the electrical offsets of the attenuator’s integrated powermeter.
parameters: none
response: none
affects: Attenuator modules with power co ntrol.