Specific Command Summar y Specific Commands
Agilent 8163A/B, 8164A/B & 8166A/B Mainframes, Fifth Edition 49
:WAVelength:RESPonse:SIZE? Returns the no. of elements in the wavelength response table. page84
:MODout/? Returns the mode of the modulation output mode of the BNC
connector on the front panel of Agil ent 81640A/80A/82A Tun-
able Laser modules.
[:INTernal]:FREQuency[l]/? Sets or returns the frequency of an internal signal source . page 115
:SOURce[l]/? Sets or returns a source for the modulating system. page 116
:STATe[l]/? Turns Amplitude Modulation of a source on or off or que ries
whether Amplitude Modulation is on or off.
:COHCtrl:COHLevel[l]/? Sets or returns the coherence level. page 118
:SOURce[l]/? Sets or returns the type of frequency modulaion employ ed, spe-
cifically Simulated Brillo uin Scattering (SBS) cont rol.
:STATe[l]/? Turns Frequency Modulation of a source on or off or queries
whether Frequency Modulation is on or off.
:SBSCtrl:FREQuency[l]/? Sets or returns the frequency of SBS Control modulation. page 120
:SBSCtrl:LEVel[l]/? Sets or returns the level of SBS Control modulation
(as a percentage of maximum)
[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude[l]] Sets the laser output power of a source. page124
[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude[l]]?Returns the laser output power of a source. page 12 5
[:LEVel]:RISetime[l]/? Sets or returns the laser rise time of a source. page 126
:ATTenuation[l]/? Sets or returns the attenuation level for a source. page122
:STATe/? Sets or returns the state of the source output signal. page127
:UNIT/? Sets or returns the power units. page 127
:WAVelength/? Sets or returns the wavelength source of a dual-wavelength
:AUTO/? Selects Automatic or Manual Attenuation M ode for a source or
returns the selected mode.
:DARK/? Enables/disables ‘dark’ position on a source or returns whether
‘dark’ position is active for a source.
Table4 Specific Command Summary (continued)
Command Description Page