201 to 702: | ESG Family Signal Generators |
5131 GHz Oscillator unlocked
The 1 GHz reference oscillator is unlocked. If an external reference is connected, check the frequency. If this error reoccurs when no external reference is connected, the instrument may require service.
514Reference Oven cold
The reference oven is not at the required operating temperature. This is normal if the instrument has been powered down for a while. If the error persists, the instrument may require service.
515Reference board: 10 Mhz reference signal bad or missing
The instrument’s reference is unlocked. If an external reference is connected, check the frequency and power. It is possible for this to occur during a poor connection/disconnection of an external reference. If this error reoccurs when no external reference is connected, the instrument may require service.
516Baseband Generator unlocked; refer to manual.
The digital modulation board is unlocked. If this error occurs and the status indicator on the front panel is not on, the board is operational. There are legitimate reasons for the front panel indicator to be on: if External Data mode was selected and no clock was provided for the data clock input, or if there was an incorrect setting selected for data clock/symbol clock.
Baseband Generator unlocked; Clear the error queue. If error persists, refer to manual.
The digital modulation board is unlocked. If this error occurs and the status indicator on the front panel is not on, the board is operational. There are legitimate reasons for the front panel indicator to be on: if External Data mode was selected and no clock was provided for the data clock input, or if there was an incorrect setting selected for data clock/symbol clock.
517Calibration failure; Baseband Generator Cal
The Baseband Generator calibration portion of an internal I/Q calibration has failed.
Calibration failure; Cal aborted by user.
While executing the internal I/Q calibration, either a DCAS was sent over the GPIB, or the Abort key on the front panel was pressed.
58 | Error Messages |