ESG Family Signal Generators | 201 to 702: |
State Save Recall Error; Recall data different from FW revision. No instrument state change.
An attempt was made to recall a state that was saved with an incompatible version of the instrument firmware. This typically occurs when a state file is copied from an instrument with a newer version of firmware to an instrument with an older version of firmware. Newer versions of instrument firmware can read older state files.
State Save Recall Error; Recall
A recall was attempted for a state register that is unused. If state file exists, delete explicitly using catalog.
State Save Recall Error; Recalled state has a bad checksum. No instrument state change.
The state file was corrupt or
State Save Recall Error; The state file is from a different firmware revision that does not support comments.
An attempt was made to write a comment to a state file revision that does not support comments. Comments in saved state files are not supported by the A.01.00 and A.01.01 releases of the instrument firmware.
State Save Recall Error; Unable to read the secondary frame instrument state file. The secondary frame has been turned off.
The format that is currently active needed the secondary frame instrument state file to generate the secondary frame in pattern RAM, but the instrument state file was either not previously saved or it was deleted. You must create and save a secondary frame instrument state.
702Load/Store Error; Cannot create a filter with no coefficients.
A filter must have at least one coefficient specified.
Load/Store Error; Cannot create a Modulation with less than one bit per symbol.
A modulation must have at least two states specified.
Error Messages | 69 |