1 Quick Reference

SCPI Command



[:STATe] <Bool> [,NORelay], (@chanlist) :COUPle[:STATe] <Bool>

:CHANNel [<NR1> {,<NR1>}] :DOFFset <NRf> :MAX:DOFFset?


:FALL <NRf+>, (@chanlist) :RISE <NRf+>, (@chanlist)

:PMODe VOLTage CURRent, (@chanlist) :INHibit:MODE LATChing LIVE OFF :PON:STATe RST RCL0


:CLEar (@chanlist) :COUPle <Bool>

:DELay <NRf+>, (@chanlist)

:RELay:POLarity NORMal REVerse, (@chanlist)


[:DC]:RANGe [:UPPer] <NRf+>, (@chanlist) CCOMpensate <Bool>, (@chanlist)

:FUNCtion “VOLTage” ”CURRent”, (@chanlist) :SWEep

:OFFSet:POINts <NRf+>, (@chanlist) :POINts <NRf+>, (@chanlist) :TINTerval <NRf+>, (@chanlist)

:VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe [:UPPer] <NRf+>, (@chanlist) :WINDow[:TYPE] HANNing RECTangular, (@chanlist)

[SOURce:] CURRent


[:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] <NRf+>, (@chanlist) :TRIGgered [:AMPLitude] <NRf+>, (@chanlist)

:MODE FIXed STEP LIST, (@chanlist) :PROTection

:DELay[:TIME] <NRf+>, (@chanlist)

:STARt SCHange CCTRans, (@chanlist) :STATe <Bool>, (@chanlist)

:RANGe <NRf+>, (@chanlist) DIGital

:INPut:DATA? :OUTPut:DATA <NRf> :PIN<1-7>



:COUNt <NRf+> INFinity, (@chanlist) :CURRent [:LEVel] <NRf> {,<NRf>}, (@chanlist)

:POINts? (@chanlist)

:DWELl <NRf> {,<NRf>}, (@chanlist) :POINts? (@chanlist)

Enables/disables the specified output channel(s) Enables/disables channel coupling for output synchronization Selects which channels are coupled

Specifies a maximum delay offset to synchronize output changes Returns the maximum delay offset required for a mainframe

Sets the output turn-off sequence delay Sets the output turn-on sequence delay

Sets the mode for turn on/off transitions (Agilent N6761A/62A) Sets the remote inhibit input

Programs the power-on state

Resets latched protection

Enables/disables channel coupling for protection faults Sets over-current protection programming delay

Sets the output relay polarity (Option 760)

Selects the current measurement range (Agilent N6761A/62A) Enables/disables the capacitive current compensation Selects the measurement function

(Sweep commands only on Agilent N6761A/62A and Option 054) Defines the trigger offset in the measurement sweep

Defines the number of data points in the measurement Sets the measurement sample interval

Selects the voltage measurement range (Agilent N6761A/62A) Selects the measurement window (N6761A/62A and Option 054)

Sets the output current

Sets the triggered output current

Sets the current trigger mode

Sets the over-current protection programming delay Sets the over-current protection programming mode Enables/disables over-current protection on the selected output Sets the output current range (Agilent N6761A/62A)

Reads the state of the digital port pins

Sets the digital port

Sets the selected pin’s function Sets the selected pin’s polarity

(List commands only on Agilent N6761A/62A and Option 054) Sets the list repeat count

Sets the current list

Returns the number of current list points Sets the list of dwell times

Returns the number of dwell list points


Series N6700 User’s Guide

Page 16
Image 16
Agilent Technologies N6700 manual Scpi Command, FUNCtion VOLTage CURRent, @chanlist SWEep