7RF Multiplexer Switch Modules

34941A and 34942A SCPI Programming Examples

The programming examples below provide you with SCPI command examples to use for actions specific to the RF MUX switch modules.

The slot and channel addressing scheme used in these examples follow the form sccc where s is the mainframe slot number (1 through 8) and

cccis the channel number. For information on specific configurations, refer to the simplified schematic on page 179.

For complete information on the SCPI commands used to program the 34980A, refer to the Agilent 34980A Programmer’s Reference contained on the 34980A Product Reference CD. For example programs, also refer to the 34980A Product Reference CD.

Example: Closing channels You can only close channels on the RF MUX modules. You cannot open channels. When you close a channel, any already- closed channels automatically open. With this “one- step” operation, the relays switch in the proper order that avoids momentary connection of the wrong input to the multiplexer output. The following command closes channel 03 on Bank 1 of an RF MUX module installed in slot 5.

ROUTe:CLOSe (@5103)

Example: Querying channels for open or close state The following commands

returns the close or open state of channel 33 of a module installed in slot 5.

ROUT:CLOSe? (@5033)

ROUT:OPEN? (@5033)

Example: Querying the system for module identify The following command returns the identify of the module installed in slot 7.


Example: Reading the cycle count for a relay On these modules, the signal path to the COM terminal consists of two relays. See the simplified schematic on page 179. For each path, the module stores the cycle count for both relays, and returns the greater of the two. The cycle count for the two channels within the same physical relay package (as indicated by the dashed lines in the simplified schematic) will always be equal. Therefore, the cycle count for Channels 101 and 102 will always be equal. The following statement reads back the number of completed cycles for the channels 101 and 202 on a module installed in slot 6.

DIAGnostic:RELay:CYCLes? (@6101,6202)


34980A User’s Guide

Page 190
Image 190
Agilent Technologies Switch/Measure manual 34941A and 34942A Scpi Programming Examples, DIAGnosticRELayCYCLes? @6101,6202