Standards Compliance | Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information |
Standards Compliance
The product bears the CE mark. In addition it is in compliance with the following other safety and EMC standards:
Safety Standards
•UL 60950
•EN 60950
•IEC 60950
•TS 001
•AS/NZS 3260
•CB Certification PBR IEC 950
EMC Standards
•FCC Part 15 (CFR 47) Class A/Class B
•EN 55022 Class A/Class B
•CISPR 22 Class A/Class B
•AS/NZS 3548 Class A/Class B
•VCCI Class A/Class B
•EN 55024
Safety and Environmental Standards
•ETS 300 019 Storage Class 1.1
•ETS 300 019 Transportation Class 2.3
•ETS 300 019 Stationary Use Class 3.1
All hardware switching modules used in an OmniSwitch 6600 Series switches comply with Class A and Class B standards for digital devices per the FCC Part 15,
page | OmniSwitch 6600 Series Hardware Users Guide April 2004 |