Editing Programs: Chapter 6
Programming Drum Sounds
To program a sound in Drum Mode, you must first enable Drum Mode for that particular sound in the Misc. Function (see previous section). Quad Knob [4] is always used to select a Drum
When using Edit 4 mode, sounds using Drum Mode will be unavailable for editing; only sounds not in Drum Mode will be editable in the bargraph display. If a sound is in Drum mode, the display will show “drmX,” whereby X is the sound number
If you enable Drum Mode for a sound while in Edit 4 mode, the QuadraSynth Plus will automatically switch to Edit 1 mode for that layer.
Assign Voice
| The Assign Voice function is where you choose the particular sample for | |
| the selected drum | |
| sounds are divided into groups. After selecting the group (using Quad | |
| Knob [1]), you then select the sample within the group (using Quad | |
| Knob [2]). Here is a chart listing the various drum samples in their | |
| respective groups. | |
Group | Voice |
Kick | Stab Kick, Deep Kick, Spike Kick, Flap Kick, GarageKick, PillowKic, Elect Kick |
Snare | Studio Snr, TurboSnare, PiccoloSnr, Crisp Snr, Power Snr, Dance Snr, Rimshot, |
| Side Stick |
Hi Hat | Closed Hat, Edge Hat, Open Hat, FootClosed |
Toms | Hi Pwr Tom, Lo Pwr Tom, Hi Mid Tom, Mid Tom, Lo Mid Tom, Hi Flr Tom, |
| Floor Tom, Lo Flr Tom, Hi Slam Tom, Md Slam Tom, Lo Slam Tom, Hi Cannon, |
| Mid Cannon, Lo Cannon |
Cymbal | Cym Ride, Cym Bell, Cym Crash, Cym China, Cym Splash |
Percus | Tympani, TbularBell, Asian Drum, Cabasa, Castanet, Clave, High Agogo, Low |
| Agogo, High Bongo, Lo Bong, Conga High, Conga Lo, Conga Slap, Cowbell, |
| Triangle, TriangleMt, Guiro Long, GuiroShort, Hand Clap, Shaker, Maracas, |
| Tambourine, Timbale Hi, Timbale Lo, Log Drum, Vibrasmack, WoodBlk Hi, |
| WoodBlk Lo, Waterphone, SambaWhstl, ShortWhstl, Alert, Android, Cyborg, |
| Meteor, Supernova |
Percus | Zap Attk 1, Zap Attk 2, Zap Attk 3, Mini Attk, Pop, Pop Attk, Bottle Hit, Metal |
FX | Attk1, Metal Attk2, Fingersnap,Voice EFX1, Voice EFX2, Voice EFX3 |
Wave | High Sine, Low Sine, Noise |
Rhythm | PsiBeat 1, PsiBeat 2, PsiBeat 3, PsiBeat 4, PsiBeat 5, Kick Loop1, Kick Loop2, |
| Kick Loop3, Kick Loop4, Kick Loop5, SnareLoop1, SnareLoop2, SnareLoop3, |
| Backbeat, ClsdHHLoop, OpenHHLoop1, OpenHHLoop2, FootHHLoop, Ride |
| Loop1, Ride Loop2, Ride Loop3, Tick Talk, Swingset, Bongo Loop, BlockLoop1, |
| BlockLoop2, BlockLoop3, HiTriLpHd, HiTriLpSf, LoTriLpHd, LoTriLpSf, Tamb |
| Loop1, Tamb Loop2, ShakerLoop, ShuflShakr, PopperLoop, BottleLoop, Motor, |
| MiniNoizLp, HvyMetalLp, Machine Lp, Kah Loop, Bass Loop, SynBass Lp, |
| Level |
QuadraSynth Plus Piano Reference Manual | 121 |