| Editing Programs: Chapter 6 | |
| Drums | Stndrd Kit, Rock Kit 1, Rock Kit 2, Dance Kit, Stab Kick, Deep Kick, Spike Kick, Flap |
| Kick, GarageKick, PillowKick, Elect Kick, Studio Snr, TurboSnare, PiccoloSnr, Crisp |
| Snr, Power Snr, Dance Snr, Rimshot, Side Stick, Power Tom, Mid Tom, Floor Tom, |
| Slam Tom, Cannon Tom, Closed Hat, Edge Hat, Open Hat, FootClosed, Cym Ride, |
| Cym Bell, Cym Crash, Cym China, Cym Splash, Analog Kit, Brush Kit, Tribal Kit |
| Percus | Tympani, TbularBell, Orch Combo, Agogo, Bongo, Cabasa, Castanet, Clave, Conga |
| Hit, Conga Slap, Cowbell, FingerSnap, Guiro Long, GuiroShort, Hand Clap, Log |
| Drum, Maracas, Shaker, ShortWhstl, Tambourine, Timbale, Triangle, TriangleMt, |
| Vibrasmack, Wood Block |
| Rhythm | PsiBeat 1, PsiBeat 2, PsiBeat 3, PsiBeat 4, PsiBeat 5, Kick Loop1, Kick Loop2, Kick |
| Loop3, Kick Loop4, Kick Loop5, SnareLoop1, SnareLoop2, SnareLoop3, Backbeat, |
| ClsdHHLoop, OpenHHLoop1, OpenHHLoop2, FootHHLoop, Ride Loop1, Ride |
| Loop2, Ride Loop3, Tick Talk, Swingset, Bongo Loop, BlockLoop1, BlockLoop2, |
| BlockLoop3, HiTriLpHd, HiTriLpSf, LoTriLpHd, LoTriLpSf, Tamb Loop1, Tamb |
| Loop2, ShakerLoop, ShuflShakr, PopperLoop, BottleLoop, Motor, MiniNoizLp, |
| HvyMetalLp, Machine Lp, Kah Loop, Bass Loop, SynBass Lp |
| QSPlus | Piano L, Piano R, BritePno1L, BritePno1R, DarkPno1 L, DarkPno1 R, PnoKnock L, |
| PnoKnock R, Piano Trem, El.Piano1, El.Piano2, Drawbars, Perc.Organ, Pipe Organ, |
| Clavinet, Varimba, Fretless, BritePno2L, BritePno2R, DarkPno2 L, DarkPno2 R, |
| BritePno3L, BritePno3R, DarkPno3 L, DarkPno3 R, TapPiano L, TapPiano R, |
| El.Spinet1, El.Spinet2, Toy Pno L, Toy Pno R, KeyTrack1, KeyTrack2, Stretch L, Stretch |
| R, Analog Pad |
| Level | |
| Each sound in a program can have its own level, pan position, and | |
| output assignment. With up to four sounds per program, this allows for | |
| a wide variety of stereo effects and level balances between the sounds. | |
| Volume (00 to 99) | |
| This sets the overall volume for a sound. Higher numbers give | |
| higher levels. | |
| Pan (<3 to 3>) | |
| There are 7 available pan locations in the stereo | |
| field: Far left | |
| right, and far right (+3). The pan value is maintained, even if the | |
| Output value is changed (see below). | |
| Output (Main, Aux, or Off) | |
| The Output parameter has three settings: Main, Aux, or Off. To | |
| send the sound’s output to the Main outputs, select Main. To | |
| send the sound’s output to the Aux outputs, select Aux. To turn | |
| off the sound’s output, set this parameter to Off. | |
| (Note, however, that the sound may still feed an Effect Send). | |
| To send a sound to an individual output, use Output in | |
| conjunction with Pan. Example: Panning a sound full left and | |
| selecting the Aux outputs means that the sound will appear at | |
| only the left Aux output. | |
| Effect Level | |
| The QuadraSynth Plus isn’t just a synthesizer; it also has a | |
| system and mixer, with four effect buses and sends. This section lets you |
QuadraSynth Plus Piano Reference Manual | 81 |