Option 14, Rack Mounting without Chassis Slides. Modifies
rack mounting hardware to install unit in a console that has mount-
ing shelves. Includes mounting ears and front panel handles.
Option 15A, High Power Output. Adds high-power RF compo-
nents to the instrument providing increased RF output power in the
2–20 GHz frequency range. Option 15Ais standard in models hav-
ing a high-end frequency that is >40 GHz.
Option 16, High-Stability Time Base. Adds an ovenized, 10 MHz
crystal oscillator with <5 x 10–10/day frequency stability.
Option 17A, No Front Panel. Deletes the front panel for use in re-
mote control applications where a front panel display or keyboard
control are not needed.
Option 18, mmWaveModule Bias Output. Provides bias output
for 54000-xWRxx Millimeter WaveSource Modules. BNC Twinax
connector,rear panel.
Option 19, SCPI Programmability.Adds GPIB command mne-
monics complying with Standard Commands for Programmable In-
struments (SCPI), Version1993.0. SCPI programming complies with
IEEE 488.2-1987.
Option 22, 0.1 Hz to 10 MHz Audio Frequency.Adds frequency
coverage below 10 MHz. In models having a high-end frequency of
£20 GHz, rated output power is reduced by 1 dB; in models having a
high-end frequency of >20 GHz, rated output power is reduced by
2 dB.
SPECIFICATIONS Series681XXC Synthesized Signal Generator performance specifica-
tions are provided in Appendix B.

681XXC OM 1-7