Output: Twentyindependent, presettable CW frequencies
(F0 –F9 and M0 –M9).
Accuracy: Same as internal or external 10 MHz time base.
Internal Time Base Stability:
With Aging: <2x10
–10/day with Option 16)
With Temperature: <2x10
-8/°C over 0°Cto55°C
-10/°C with Option 16)
1 kHz (0.1 Hz with Option 11)
External 10 MHz Reference Input: Accepts external
10 MHz 100 Hz, –10 to +20 dBm time base signal.
Automatically disconnects the internal high-stability
time-base option, if installed. BNC, rear panel, 50W
10 MHz Reference Output: 0.5 Vp-p into 50W,AC
coupled. Rear panel BNC; 50Wimpedance.
Switching Time (typical maximum):
Units having a high-end frequency of ³20 GHz:
<40 ms to be within 1 kHz of final frequency.
Units having a high-end frequency of 8.4 GHz:
<15 ms to be within 1 kHz of final frequency.
Sweep Width: Independentlyselected from 1 MHz to full
range continuous sweep.
Accuracy: The lesser of:
±30 MHz or (±2 MHz + 0.25% of sweep width) for sweep
speeds of £50 MHz/ms.
Sweep Time Range: 30ms to 99 seconds
Sweep Width: Independentlyselected, 1 kHz (0.1 Hz with
Option 11)to full range. Every frequency step in sweep
range is phase-locked.
Accuracy: Same as internal or external 10 MHz time base.
Resolution (Minimum Step Size):
1 kHz (0.1 Hz with Option 11)
Linear/Log Sweep: User-selectable linear or log sweep.
In log sweep, step size logarithmically increases with fre-
Steps: User-selectable number of steps or the step size.
Number of Steps: Variablefrom 1 to 10,000
Step Size: 1 kHz (0.1 Hz with Option 11)to the full fre-
quency range of the instrument. (If the step size does not
divide into the selected frequency range, the last step is
Dwell Time Per Step: Variablefrom 1 ms to 99 seconds
Fixed Rate Sweep: Allows the user to set the total time of
the sweep, including lock time. Variablefrom 20 ms to 99
Switching Time (typical maximum):
Units having a high-end frequency of ³20 GHz:
<15 ms + 1 ms/GHz step size or <40 ms, whichever is
less, to be within 1 kHz of final frequency.
Units having a high-end frequency of 8.4 GHz:
<7 ms to be within 1 kHz of final frequency.
Sweeps alternately in analog or step sweep between any
two sweep ranges. Each sweep range may be associated
with a different power level.
Provides stepped, phase-locked adjustment of frequency
between sweep limits. User-selectable number of steps or
step size.
681XXC OM B-1
Model Frequency Range
68117C 0.01 to 8.4 GHz
68137C 2.0 to 20.0 GHz
68147C 0.01 to 20.0 GHz
68167C 0.01 to 40.0 GHz
68177C 0.01 to 50.0 GHz
68187C 0.01 to 60.0 GHz
68197C 0.01 to 65.0 GHz