Performing List Calculations
The PreCalc List soft-key initiates a process that
examines every index in the list and performs all
the calculations necessary to set the frequency and
power levels. The soft-key does not have to be
pressed every time the list changes. The instrument
will perform the calculations to set the frequency
and power levels as it performs the initial list
sweep. This causes the initial list sweep to take
longer than each subsequent sweep. Using the
PreCalc List soft-key lets the initial list sweep be as
fast as each subsequent sweep. The calculations are
stored in volatile RAM and are lost at instrument
Press PreCalc List to perform list calculations. The
soft-key image depresses to show that calculations
are in progress. When the calculations are com-
pleted, the soft-key returns to normal appearance.
Editing the
List List editing consists of editing list index frequency
and power level parameters and inserting and delet-
ing list index entries.
Togo to the Edit List Menu (below) from the List
Sweep menu, press Edit List .
This menu lets you perform the following:
qGo to the List Frequency Edit menu (edit list
index frequency parameters).
qGo to the List Power Edit menu (edit list index
power level parameters).
qGo to the Additional Edit List menu (insert
and delete list index entries).