CW Ramp When active, the signal generator’s CW ramp pro-
vides a repetitive 0V to 10V ramp output to the rear
panel HORIZ OUT BNC connector and AUX I/O con-
nector.The CW ramp is used to drive a scalar ana-
lyzer display.
Togo to the CW Ramp Menu (below) from the CW
menu, press CW Ramp Menu .
This menu lets you set the ramp speed and turn the
CW ramp on/off.
Toset ramp speed, press Sweep Time . The sweep
time parameter opens for editing. Edit the current
sweep time using the cursor control key or rotary
data knob or enter a new sweep time using the key
pad and appropriate termination key.The sweep
time entered must be in the range of 30 ms to
99 sec. Toclose the open sweep time parameter
when you are done, press Sweep Time or make an-
other menu selection.
Press CW Ramp to turn the CW ramp on. While
the CW ramp is on, the message CW Ramp ap-
pears on the right side of frequency title bar on all
CW menus.
Press Previous Menu to return to the CW Menu