681XXC OM A-5
14 V/GHz V/GHz Output: Provides a reference voltage relative to the RF output frequency
(1.0 V/GHz for Models 68117C, 68137C, and 68147C; 0.5 V/GHz for Model
68167C; 0.25V/GHz for Models 68177C, 68187C, and 68197C).
15 EOS INPUT End-of-Sweep Input: Accepts a TTLhigh-level signal to tell the signal generator
to begin the end of sweep dwell.
16 EOS OUTPUT End-of-SweepOutput: Provides a TTL high-level signal when the signal genera-
tor has begun the end of sweep dwell.
17 AUX 1 Aux1: Auxiliary input/output to the processor (PB6).
18 SWP DWELL IN SweepDwellInput: Permits a TTL low-level signal to stop the sweep in both ana-
log- and step-sweep modes. The sweep resumes when the signal is removed.
19 AUX 2 Aux2: Auxiliary input/output to the processor (PC3).
20 BANDSWITCH BLANK BandswitchBlanking Output: Provides a +5V or –5V signal coincident with band-
switching points. Signal polarity is selected from a front panel menu.
22 HORIZ IN HorizontalSweep Input: Accepts a 0V to 10V external sweep ramp from a Master
signalgenerator. This input is automatically selected when the signal generator is
in the Slave Mode.
23 Return HorizontalSweep Input return.
24 TXb TXb: Serial Data Output from the processor.
25 MEMORYSEQ MemorySequencing Input: Accepts a TTL low-level signal to sequence through
nine stored, front panel setups.
Figure A-2. Pinout Diagram, AUX I/O Connector (2 of 2)