Selecting a
Power Level
Sweep Range
Selecting a power level sweep range consists of
choosing a start and stop level for the power level
sweep. The power level sweep range selection pro-
cess is identical for all power level sweep modes
—CW power sweep, analog sweep frequency/step
power,and step sweep frequency/step power. You
can select a power level sweep range as follows:
qEdit the current start and stop power level
parameter values.
qEnter new start and stop power level parame-
ter values.
qSelect one of the preset power level sweep
range parameters (L1-L2,L3-L4,L5-L6,L7-L8,
or L9-L0).
Editing the Current Start / Stop Power Levels
Toedit the current power level sweep range, start
by opening either the start or stop power level pa-
rameter (in the display above, Edit L1 opens the
start power level parameter; Edit L2 opens the stop
power level parameter).
Edit the open power level parameter using the cur-
sor control key or the rotary data knob. When you
are finished, close the open parameter by pressing
its menu edit soft-key or by making another menu
Entering New Start / Stop Power Levels
Toenter a new power level sweep range start by
opening either the start or stop power level parame-
ters (press Edit L1 or Edit L2 ).
Enter a new power level using the keypad and ap-
propriate terminator key.When you are finished,
close the open parameter by pressing its menu edit
soft-key or by making another menu selection.
3-56 681XXC OM
When Linear power level sweep is
selected,use the following termina-
torkeys forpowerlevel dataentries:
GHz / Sec / dBm for V
MHz/ms/dBfor mV
kHz / ms / STEPS for mV